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And there he lay, the victim to his own fearless faith, helpless dependent upon her a thing between life and death, to thank, to serve to be proud of, yet protect, to compassionate, yet revere the saver, to be saved!

In the days when six dollars bought a ton of the best anthracite coal and the pea and buckwheat sizes were sold as waste products, it may have been a matter of small importance that certain spots in a house leaked heat and let in cold. Besides, in an era when windows closed tightly with the first cold blasts of fall and remained so until spring, such ventilation was probably a life saver.

"He was," answered Lambourne, "like the rest of us, no saint, and no saver. But what I liked worst of Tony was, that he loved to take his pleasure by himself, and grudged, as men say, every drop of water that went past his own mill.

Centuries ago, in the shelter of this valley, lived Tutokanula and his tribe a good hunter, he, a thoughtful saver of crops and game for winter, a wise chief, trusted and loved by his people.

"Eh what where am I? Oh, Connor, darling, if you knew the dhrames I had I thought you wor on the scaffie; but thanks be to the Saver, it was only a dhrame!" "Nothing more, father, nothing more; but for God's sake, keep your mind aisy.

These are, the difficulty of valuation, the fact that in many cases it would have to be paid by instalments, and so would be merely another form of income tax, its sparing of the waster and penalising of the saver, and, consequently, the grave danger that it would check accumulation and so dry up the springs of capital.

A little more soap and elbow grease, the women said, was the secret. Most of the water used for household purposes did double or triple duty. The water drained from potatoes was next used to wash one's face or hands or dishes; then it went into the scrub bucket. Potato water kept one's hands and face soft, we boasted; it was as effective as face cream. But I was not a tea-cup saver by nature.

Now an emergency arises, and if the saver can not furnish nine hundred dollars he will lose his home. In this case he must either borrow or use his reserve, so he takes nine hundred dollars from the savings bank and keeps his home. The improvident man loses his home under similar circumstances, for his credit is not good and he has no balance to draw upon.

"But, marciful Saver!" he cried out, jumping up on a suddent, "look behind you, your Holiness, I'm blest but the room's on fire!" Sure enough the candle fell down that minit, and was near setting fire to the windy-curtains, and there was some bustle, as you may suppose, getting things put to rights. And now I have to tell you ov a really onpleasant occurrence.

One may feel all around the spot before finding it, and meanwhile the scientist has been saving his temper. In all compositions demanding architectural environment or many figures, perspective becomes essential, at least as a time saver. Yet if the science never existed such art as embraces many figures and architecture could find adequate expression at the hands of the discerning artist.