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It is argued that this drives great incomes to evasion by investment in tax-free securities, which is probably true. We need more comparative figures than the Treasury statistics yet show to answer this point. In any event, relief to the earner would free his savings to invest in taxable securities and we need above all things to stimulate the initiative of the saver.

Aside from the legislation suggested by the amendments, his greatest constructive step was the enactment of a budget system, which sought to place the financial affairs of Ohio upon a businesslike basis. Its worth as a saver of money and promoter of efficiency has never been challenged. The previous Ohio fiscal system had grown grossly archaic.

Therein Mahomet was a true prophet, a saver of souls rather than a destroyer of such." By noon they were drawing toward Mandhatta, and when they came to where the road from Indore to Mandhatta joined the one they were travelling, there was an increase in the stream of pilgrims and Barlow could see a look of uneasiness in the jamadar's eyes.

"They've saved what they could of the tools from the camp and what magical instruments are still useful. They've held on only for your return." Hanson stared at them and around at the collection of bric-a-brac and machinery they had assembled for him. He opened his mouth, and his laughter was a mockery of their hopes and of himself. "Dave Hanson, world saver!

"He carries the number; besides I know Mr. Porter, I remember laying it to him." "Thank you, that will do. Hit you pretty hard," he said, turning to Porter. "And you hadn't a saver on Lauzanne?" "Not a dollar." "What about your buying him is there anything in that story?" Porter explained the purchase. The Steward nodded his head.

Great Scott, what a money and time saver! I was a little worried about you, Bansemer, but I knew the others wouldn't catch on. Great, wasn't it?" "What the dickens does it mean?" demanded Graydon. "Mean! Why, good Lord, man, nobody ever eats at these damned dinners. They CAN'T eat. They're sick of dinners. That crowd out there takes tea and things at five or six o'clock.

"Pretty far gone," remarked a life saver. "One must be the captain, I reckon." "And the other," began Harry Stanton, keeper of the Rockypoint light; "the other why, if it isn't Nate Duncan, who used to be my assistant! He came out of the wreck Nate Duncan!" From where he was standing by a group of the rescued sailors, Joe Duncan heard what the lighthouse keeper said. The lad rushed forward.

Finally, it may be added that the shyness of the saver will be greatly diminished if he can feel that there is a trustworthy machinery of company promotion, so that he can rely on any savings that he puts into industry having at least a fair chance of yielding him a fair reward.

Bodagh Buie's very well able to provide for them ; an' if he won't do so before they marry, why let Connor have nothing to say to her." "I'll tell you what, Fardorougha, God wouldn't be in heaven, or you'll get a cut heart yet, either through your son or your money; an' that it may not be through my darlin' boy, O, grant, sweet Saver o' the earth, this night!

And the saver of money is in a position to demand interest so that specie functioning as money again becomes a breeder of interest. So far as we have only dealt with the operation of specie inside of Herr Duehring's economic society. But beyond the confines of that society the world goes peacefully along its old way.