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If she knew he was the great Savelli, she would rush off and join him to-morrow, she is so impulsive. She has the music madness of both father and mother. Her aunt tells me she is a remarkable performer on both violin and piano." "But why shouldn't she go to her father if he is a great musician?" said Jessica. "And why is she called Savell, if her name is Savelli?"

I also wish to publicly apologize to the members of the Phi Sigma Tau for having accused them of treachery concerning a certain matter that recently came up in this school." "Your apology is accepted, Miss Savell. You may take your own seat," said the principal.

She said that she always kept her engagements unless the spirit moved her to do something else." "Is Eleanor Savell the girl who comes into the study hall every morning after opening exercises have begun?" asked Marian Barber. "Yes," Grace answered. "I forgot for a moment that you and Eva and Miriam hadn't met her.

"I am so glad you changed your mind and came. The initiation is about to begin. Have you ever belonged to a secret society?" "Never," replied Eleanor. "But now that I'm here, I am willing to try it." "Come this way." "Girls," said Grace, addressing the three blindfolded girls, "this is Eleanor Savell. You can't see her yet, but you may all shake hands with her.

God bless you, sweet Boy! and accomplish the joyful hope I conceive of you. Once again commend me to Master NEVELL, Master SAVELL, and honest HARRY WHITE, and bid him be merry. And use as well the blow as the thrust. It is good in itself; and besides increaseth your breath and strength, and will make you a strong man at the tourney and barriers.

"Say to Miss Savell that Grace Harlowe and her friends would like to see her." The maid soon reappeared and led the girls down the wide, old-fashioned hall, and, somewhat to their surprise, ushered them into the dining room, where they beheld Eleanor, arrayed in a dainty white house gown, dining alone. She arose as they entered and came forward with both hands outstretched.

You will spoil the whole production by appearing in an incorrect or misfit costume, besides bitterly disappointing the two girls who will have to give up their costumes to you. It is doubly provoking, because Mr. Southard is here to-night, and is particularly anxious to see your work." "Miss Tebbs," exclaimed Grace, "Eleanor Savell has a complete 'Rosalind' outfit. She had it made purposely.

"Nominations for president are now in order." "I nominate Grace Harlowe for president," exclaimed Miriam Nesbit, springing from her seat. "Second the motion," said Eva Allen. It was carried with enthusiasm before Grace had time to protest. "I nominate Miriam Nesbit for president," said Grace. This was also seconded and carried. Then Edna Wright rose and nominated Eleanor Savell.

As they neared Mrs. Gray's beautiful home, Anne said in a low tone to Grace, who was walking with her, "I suppose Mrs. Gray has a double motive in asking us up here to-day. I believe she wants to talk to us about Eleanor Savell. Miss Nevin called on Mrs. Gray yesterday and they were in the parlor together for a long time. After Miss Nevin had gone, Mrs.

"Because, my dear, her father has never evinced the slightest desire to look up his own child. Even if he had, he is too irresponsible and too temperamental to assume the care of a girl like Eleanor," Mrs. Gray answered. "No, Eleanor is better off with her aunt. As to her name, her aunt hates everything Italian, so she dropped the 'I' and made the name Savell." "My," said Nora with a sigh.