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One day she said calmly to Aunt Jane: "I've invited Kenneth to dinner this evening." The woman flew angry in an instant. "Who gave you such authority?" she demanded. "No one. I just took it," said Patsy, saucily. "He shall not come," declared Aunt Jane, sternly. "I'll have no interference from you, Miss, with my household arrangements. Phibbs, call Louise!" Patsy's brow grew dark.

Why do you say that?" asked the boy, peevishly. "Because you stuffed him while he was alive," said Jack, saucily. Then we had to run for all we were worth, for the Dobson boy was after us, and as he was a big fellow he would have whipped Jack soundly.

As Rachel congratulated him on his victory, he said, with a look that brought the color to her face: "How long must I stay in Doubting Castle, Rachel?" "Why, dear me," she answered, saucily, "I did not think a promising young lawyer, as father calls you, ever got into such a dismal place!"

"Conquer a world come to luncheon? A pretty brace of subjects!" said her father. "Miss Hunsden is quite capable of conquering a world without having been born anything so horrid as a boy," said Lord Ernest. "There are bloodless conquests, wherein the conquerors of the world are conquered themselves." The baronet scowled. Miss Hunsden retorted saucily.

"It was very finely wrought, but in the middle hung a rubbishy broken medallion of gold." "You are a pretty judge of works of art! Then you overlooked the fine engraved gem which was set in that modest gold frame?" "Certainly not." "I assure you, little wise-head!" "No, my dearest." As she spoke she looked up saucily, as though she had achieved some great triumph. "I know very well what gems are.

The Fords may be plain people, but, by Jugs! they are the sort to tie up to in a squall." Bobby smiled broadly under the brim of her hat. "Then you advise me to take Hal?" "I advise you to let me send this fellow Hascombe about his business. I'll make short work of him." Bobby slipped her arm through his, and looked up saucily. "You needn't bother, dear," she said.

Two flaxen heads, bending close together, look saucily at me with their bright eyes, rosy cheeks shake with suppressed laughter, hands are clasped in warm affection, young kind voices ring one above the other; while a little farther, at the end of the snug room, other hands, young too, fly with unskilled fingers over the keys of the old piano, and the Lanner waltz cannot drown the hissing of the patriarchal samovar ...

"Oh, Paul! you might be a woman," replied Sally, with mocking laughter. "But listen; Miss Webster is as nice as she looks! Can you want more?" "It's a good thing to be young and enthusiastic." "Certainly better than being old and cynical," retorted Sally, saucily.

Considerable time had been spent in obtaining a litter for the Gaul, yet Hermon was surprised to meet the lad who had questioned him so boldly on the ferryboat coming, not from the landing place, but running toward it again from the city, and then saw him follow the shore, carrying a blazing torch, which he waved saucily.

A rustling silk dress, of quiet color, and set off with three modest flounces; an India shawl, loosely thrown over her shoulders; a dainty little collar, of honiton, drawn neatly about her neck, and a bonnet of buff-colored silk, tastefully set off with tart-pie work without, and lined with virtuous white satin within, so saucily poised on her head, suggests the idea that she has an eye to fashion as well as the heathen world.