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Enough of talking, and enough of reasoning! Passion filled him, and he knew no good nor evil save its satiety or hunger. The mad mood passed, and there came a worthier mind. He sat and looked along the avenue of his life. He saw himself walking hand in hand with her. Now she was not the instrument of his pleasure, but the helper in his good deeds.

How much of the precious 'stuff of life' is wasted by want of punctuality; by want of method involving superfluous and repeated effort; by want of measure prolonging things that are pleasurable or profitable in moderation to the point of weariness, satiety, and extravagance; by want of selection dwelling too much on the useless or the unimportant; by want of intensity, growing out of a nature that is listless and apathetic both in work and pleasure.

An analogous response may be made to that banal objection that socialism will suppress all liberty that objection repeated to satiety by all those who more or less consciously conceal, under the colors of political liberalism, the tendencies of economic conservatism.

Now, both of you go down to any restaurant in town and order what you like, and as long as you like, and you have them call me up if there's any question." The reporter and the semi-outcast smiled at each other. They saw their appetites appeased to satiety. "Does a bottle go with the order, Dick?" asked Jordan. "Half a dozen!" laughed Warrington.

And all this elaborately effective and seductive as long as one should happen to think so, elaborately nauseous when one had ceased so to think had long been familiar to Helen to the point of satiety. She turned wicked, satiety transmuting itself into active vindictiveness.

Still you may make out to keep soul and body together, with what is left," reluctantly eyeing a piece large enough to feed twenty men, but which he felt compelled to abandon from satiety; "cut in nigher to the heart, as the old man says, and you will find the riches of the piece."

"Thus, too," continues he, "does an observant eye discern everywhere that saddest spectacle: The Poor perishing, like neglected, foundered Draught-Cattle, of Hunger and Overwork; the Rich, still more wretchedly, of Idleness, Satiety, and Overgrowth.

But the downpour was continuous, and with victory came satiety satiety coupled with wet skins, muddy feet, tired, wearied bodies, and throats parched with continual shouting. At Menilmontant, where the crowd had been thickest, the tempers highest, and the yells most strident, there now stretched before this tired, excited throng, the peaceful vastness of the cemetery of Pere Lachaise.

It is the parent of that satiety which is the most unspeakable of all miseries a short satisfaction is purchased by long suffering, and the result is an addition to our stock, not of pleasure, but of pain. The next topic to which our attention is directed is the influence of habit. Habit is thus defined:

And so, in the great events of man's life and in the small, as in the mighty circle of the heavens, good and evil, life and death, growth and decay, are but the systole and diastole, the outward and inward pulsation, of an eternal good, an eternal harmony. Day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, satiety and hunger each conditions the other, all are part of God.