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"But they have only two now. I wouldn't have been sartin of the matter if I hadn't seen the print of yer mother's small shoe in the snow, and while I was looking I obsarved that of Dot, no bigger than Cinderella hersilf might have made." Warren was profoundly interested, and tears dimmed his eyes. "Was there no man with father?" "I couldn't see any footprints except his."

There was no sweep and swing, nor suavity of connected progress in the strains. The instrument could not lift the dancers up and swing them onward through the mazy motions. "I tell ye, Henry," said the Old Trapper, as he turned to Herbert who was standing by his side, "the pianner isn't the thing to dance by, for sartin. It tinkles and chippers too much; it rattles and clicks.

She understood the whole thing." The captain burst into a roar of laughter. "Ho! ho!" he shouted. "Well, Imogene, I said you beat all my goin' to sea, and you do you sartin do. Now, I'd like to be on hand and see how Hannah takes it. If I know her, now that that engagement ain't hangin' over her, she'll even up with her brother for all she's had to put up with. Ho! ho!

Now, if you wouldn't mind goin' up and stayin' with Cap'n Baxter for a few minutes while I finish gettin' breakfast. I've been up and down so many times in the last ha'f hour, I don't know's I'm sartin whether I'm on my head or my heels." The Captain went upstairs in a dazed state.

"Guess I be, guess I be," he said briskly. "Anyhow, I'm lookin' for a boy name of name of My soul to heavens, I've forgot it again, I do believe! What did you say your name was?" "Speranza. Albert Speranza." "Sartin, sartin! Sper er um yes, yes. Knew it just as well as I did my own. Well, well, well! Ye-es, yes, yes. Get right aboard, Alfred. Let me take your satchel." He picked up the suitcase.

I s'posed of course you had. Why didn't you?" He looked at her in surprise. "Go to sea?" he repeated. "Go to SEA? How could I? Didn't I promise you I'd never go to sea again?" "Was that the reason?" "Sartin. What else?" She did not answer. There was an odd expression on her face. He turned to go. "Well, good-by," he said. "Good-by. Er Seth." "Yes; what is it?"

"Very well you're then to proceed to Tom M'Mahon's, and if you find Bryan, his son, there, give him this; and if he's at the mountain farm of Ahadarra, go to him. I don't expect an answer from Kathleen Cavanagh, but I do from Bryan M'Mahon; and mark me, Peety." "I do, sir." "Are you sure you do?" "Sartin, sir." "Silent as the grave then is the word in both cases but if I ever hear "

While once a shearer, coming up from the village, reported having seen, in the twilight of dawn, a little ghostly figure, haggard and startled, stealing silently from tree to tree in the larch-copse by the lane. The Master, however, irritated by these constant alarms, dismissed the story summarily. "One thing I'm sartin o'," said he.

"No. But I've got to talk with you. You used to be a whaler, I know. Were you acquainted in New Bedford?" "Sartin. Was a time when I could have located every stick in it, pretty nigh, by the smell, if you'd set me down side of 'em blindfold." "Did you ever know anyone named " He finished the sentence. "Sure and sartin, I did. Why?" "Did you know him well?" "Well's I wanted to.

"No, I forgot to bring it up with me. But why shouldn't I?" "Because if the sun were to flash on the glass or brasswork, it would be sartin to catch the eye of someone in the village, and if it did you may be sure they would send up to see what it was. Still, if you can make out the village, it will save us the need for keeping watch in the daytime down below.