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Was he a friend or an enemy of the cause of liberty? Perhaps he was a spy? During the interval Batoche stood immovable, while the snow piled in inches on his round shoulders, but at length, divining the thoughts of Cary, he said in a low voice: "You are returning to Sieur Sarpy's, did you say?" "At once." "But the roads will be all blockaded." "I know all the by-paths."

They too suffer from the tyranny of England, and they ask us to join them in striking off the fetters of slavery. Shall we not act with them?" Sieur Sarpy's head fell upon his breast and he answered not. Zulma sat forward in her chair, with dilated eyes fastened on the face of the speaker, and her own features aglow with the enthusiasm that shot from him like living electric tongues.

The child answered brightly that her grandfather had indeed mentioned mademoiselle Sarpy's name and told her how good she had been to him and how she had promised to be her friend. Both Zulma and Blanche being now perfectly at ease, our old acquaintance Velours testified her satisfaction at this issue of affairs by curving her long back and rubbing herself against the hem of Zulma's cloak.

The affair, of course, furnished material for a solemn council. Under the auspices of an officer of the United States their chiefs were summoned, in the form befitting great occasions, to meet in the yard of a Mr. P.A. Sarpy's log trading-house.

Rapidly as these surmises passed through his mind he had not time to resolve them, before Batoche resumed in these simple words: "I am returning at once to Sieur Sarpy's." For a moment Cary was unable to make a syllable of reply. He looked hard at the old man as if to fathom his inmost thoughts. But the latter did not flinch.

Zulma listened eagerly to these details, which she had not heard before. Sieur Sarpy's single remark was: "Wonderful!" "And do you know who piloted him?" "Captain Bouchette, I believe." "Yes, Joseph Bouchette. And what is Joseph Bouchette?" "A French Canadian!" exclaimed Zulma, unable to contain herself. "Aye, mademoiselle, a French Canadian.