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At the same time Parma, Modena, Romagna, and Tuscany expressed by universal suffrage their cordial desire for union with Sardinia, and a few days later the fusion of these provinces with the dominions of the house of Savoy was an accomplished fact.

The maritime republics of Italy like Athens and Rhodes in ancient, Catalonia in mediæval, and England and the Netherlands in more modern times were 'peculiarly well fitted, by situation and resources, for the control of the sea by both war and commerce. As far as the western Mediterranean was concerned, Genoa and Pisa had given early proofs of their maritime energy, and fixed themselves, in succession to the Saracens, in the Balearic Isles, Sardinia, and Corsica.

The Carthaginians, whose troubles reached their height just about the period of the occupation of Sardinia, were silent for the time being as to the unwarrantable violence; but, after this peril had been, contrary to the expectations and probably contrary to the hopes of the Romans, averted by the genius of Hamilcar, and Carthage had been reinstated to her full sovereignty in Africa , Carthaginian envoys immediately appeared at Rome to require the restitution of Sardinia.

The island of Sardinia, which was then under the Spanish Crown, was lost through the misconduct of the viceroy, the Duke of Veragua, and taken possession of by the troops of the Archduke. In the month of October, the island of Minorca also fell into the hands of the Archduke.

This unnatural life lasted for six weeks or two months, during which time he refused to see even his most intimate friends; and then he plunged again into the ordinary affairs of life, or mysteriously and suddenly disappeared to be next heard of in some distant part of France, or perhaps in Corsica, Sardinia, or Italy.

Reflecting that my health might suffer from being thrown so early into the difficulties of stage life he refused these offers and accepted a more modest place, as ingenue, in the Royal Company, under the auspices of the King of Sardinia and stationed during several months of the year at Turin.

In her yard she had an old barrel, which acted as a cistern. She turned it over, emptied it, made it fast to the ground with sticks and stones. Then she chained Semillante to this improvised kennel and went into the house. She walked ceaselessly now, her eyes always fixed on the distant coast of Sardinia. He was over there, the murderer. All day and all night the dog howled.

One after another of his manifold principalities swore to observe the Pragmatic Sanction. One after another of the foreign powers Prussia, Russia, Great Britain, Holland, the Empire, Poland, France, Spain, and Sardinia, to whom liberal concessions were made pledged their word and their honor most sacredly to preserve the Pragmatic Sanction.

What I hear and know of Lord Palmerston's intrigues against Hungary and threats to Sardinia if she dares to assist Hungary ... fills me with indignation and no small alarm. This I know he avowed to the Sardinian Ambassador, and sent the English fleet into the Adriatic as a demonstration.