United States or Saint Martin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Hadn't you better get up and see if any one is listening at the door, Captain Murray?" said Andrew sarcastically. "Because my words sound treasonable, my lad?" "Yes, and may be magnified by the echoes of the Palace walls, sir." The big, frank officer sank back in his chair, and laughed merrily.

He had also read it rather badly, having a cold in his head. "You seem to have rather a large class, Meredith," he said sarcastically. "Yes; like our good Lord, I have beaten the by-ways and the hedges, and I am almost afraid I shall also have to beat Mansell. He has singularly failed to appreciate the full meaning of that passage about 'humility." Clarke saw he was beaten, and turned away.

"Well enough," replied Countess Zomaloff, nonchalantly, casting a last glance at the large mirror before her. "Where is my bouquet?" "Here, madame." "Heavens! how frightfully yellow and faded it is!" cried the countess, shrinking back. "The duke has just sent it," ventured the maid. "I recognize his good taste," said the countess sarcastically, as she shrugged her pretty shoulders disdainfully.

I want to reach Helbarrow to-day, and it must be lunch-time already." At which Tony, who was scrambling down from the cart, reached back for his basket. "I fink I'd better take it wiv me," he said gravely. "If they are going so fast, p'r'aps we shan't see them any more till we get there." "I think we needn't be afraid of that," said Anna sarcastically, "if we don't walk too fast."

"It is time you informed yourself about the country you are trying to annex to the Blithers estate," she said sarcastically. "I can assist you to some extent if you will be good enough to listen. In the first place, the royal castle at Edelweiss is one of the most substantial in the world. It has not been allowed to fall into decay.

I assure you that everything will be all right in Paris." "That's what you said about coming to London," she retorted sarcastically through her sobs. "And look at you!" Did he imagine for a single instant that she would have come to London with him save on the understanding that she was to be married immediately upon arrival?

"Really, Lady Errington!" he said at last sarcastically, "your wifely enthusiasm and confidence are indeed charming! But, unfortunately, the proofs are all against you. Truth is truth, however much you may wish to blind your eyes to its manifestations.

A hundred roads lie before me, when they don't know whether to go out or in; and where they rush heedlessly forwards I see the abyss that they are running to." "And nevertheless you come to me?" said the old woman sarcastically. "I want your advice," said Nemu seriously. "Four eyes see more than one, and the impartial looker-on sees clearer than the player; besides you are bound to help me."

After it had been decided that there should be one man set in so high a position, there was endless discussion as to whether he should be elected by the people or by Congress, and whether he should serve for one, or two, or three, or four, or ten, or fifteen years. "Better call it twenty," said Rufus King, sarcastically; "it is the average reign of princes."

"I think it is 'An Invitation to the Dance," said he, and smiled again, more sweetly, more convincingly than ever. "'Around, around, around!" he muttered, bitterly, sarcastically, as he turned away from her. "What, father?" "That melody, so sweet; those words, so full of lovely sentiment they cling in my old mind, my liebschen," said Herr Kreutzer, to cover up his error. "They what you call it?