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It was a right clever scheme, but it was my fault for letting you get anything on me I ought to have known that you'd try some dog's trick or other." His voice was coming rapidly, sharply, and was burdened with a lashing sarcasm. "Yes, it's a right clever scheme, Mister Langford, and it ought to be successful. But there's one thing you've forgot.

His bitter sarcasm, the ferocity, even the treachery of this military execution, done without his orders, but which he now accepted, satisfied in some degree the craving of his heart. In his fury he would fain have annihilated France. The dead Blues, the living officers, all innocent of the crime for which he demanded vengeance, were to him the cards by which a gambler cheats his despair.

Mark called that evening, as he had promised, upon Mrs. Cunningham. "I hope that you feel all the better for your day's rest, Millicent," he said. The girl looked quickly at him to see if there was any sarcasm in the question, but it was evident that the inquiry was made in earnest. "Yes, I feel better now," she said. "I have dozed a good deal today. I did not feel up to anything. Mrs.

"I never saw such a happy, cheerful bunch before." "I might smile if I wasn't so blamed hungry," retorted Johnny. "Doesn't anybody ever eat in this town?" he asked in great sarcasm. "Mebby a good feed won't do me no good, but I'm going to fill myself regardless. An' after that, if the grub don't shock me to death, I'm shore going to trim somebody at Ol' Sledge for two bits a hand."

Do not believe that irony, and sarcasm, and bitterness of tongue flowed from a malignant or evil source. That disposition which seems to you alternately so light and gloomy had, perhaps, its origin in a mind too intense in its affections, and too exacting in having them returned.

"That's right," murmured Jimmy, with a weak attempt at sarcasm, "don't leave me out of anything good." "It doesn't matter WHICH one she arrests," decided the practical Aggie. "Well, it matters to me," objected Zoie. "And to me too, if it's all the same to you," protested Jimmy. "Whoever it is," continued Aggie, "the truth is bound to come out.

"You know all about it," he said with obvious sarcasm. "I know you're not who you say you are." "Perhaps you know who I am then." "I don't know or care. It's none of my business. But others may think it is theirs. You can't be so reckless with the truth without folks having notions. If I were you I'd get a story that will hang together." "You're such a good detective.

Especially was this the case when she heard her old acquaintance, Flossy, pour out her soul's longings. It happened, so strange are the customs of Christians, that though this was the daughter of a minister of the gospel, herself a Christian, she had never before heard a lady pray in the presence of gentlemen. She had heard of their doing so; heard them criticised with sharp sarcasm.

You needn't worry." Fanny said the last with a sarcasm which seemed to reach out with a lash of bitterness like a whip. The other woman winced, her eyes were hard, but her voice was appeasing. "Now, I didn't think you'd take it so, Mrs. Brewster, or I wouldn't have said anything," she almost wheedled. "You know I ain't afraid of not gettin' my pay, I " "You'd better not be," said Fanny.

I always said thou wert, and now I know it. The hospital bah! How could he have ever thought me so simple?" she exclaimed in a tone of mingled sarcasm and disgust. "I tell thee, Concho, all women are the same either on this side of the world or the other. The one thou hast just described to me is the most dangerous of all women for a man like the Señor to meet.