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"No MAN would," interrupted Brayle, sarcastically. Santoris gave him a quick glance. "No man is asked to care!" he said "Nor woman either. SOULS are not only asked, but COMMANDED, to care! This, however, is beyond you!" "And beyond most people," answered Brayle "Such ideas are purely imaginary and transcendental." "Granted!"

Therefore it seemed necessary I should remove myself, moreover, I was resolved that all the years I had spent in trying to find the way to some of Nature's secrets should not be wasted I would learn, I too, what Rafel Santoris had learned in the House of Aselzion and then we might perhaps stand on equal ground, sure of ourselves and of each other!

And now one word to yourself;" here he laid a hand kindly on mine "I have noticed I could not help noticing that you were greatly taken by Santoris and I should almost have fancied him rather fascinated by you had I not known him to be absolutely indifferent to womenkind. But let me tell you he is not a safe friend or guide for anyone.

Such an hypothesis is absurd on the face of it, since it is the Soul that gives individuality to the Body. The individual personality of Rafel Santoris, expressed even in his painted portrait, appealed to me as being that of one I had loved long and tenderly, there was no strangeness in his features but only an adorable familiarity.

"All this foolishness" he answered, with a gentle seriousness "This idea of eternal life and love which the artful conjurer Rafel Santoris has instilled into your too sensitive and credulous imagination these fantastic beliefs in the immortality and individuality of the soul, and you will accept old age and death with the sane resignation of ordinary mortals.

I was to have my wilful desires granted, then! I was actually to see and speak with the man to whom Rafel Santoris owed his prolonged youth and power, and under whose training he had passed through an ordeal which had taught him some of the deepest mysteries of life!

Had you lived in the time of Galileo you would have been one of his torturers!" "I ask you to explain," said Mr. Harland, with a touch of pique "Whether I accept your explanation or not is my own affair." "Quite!" agreed Santoris, with a slight smile "As I told you long ago at Oxford, a man's life is his own affair entirely. He can do what he likes with it.

One thing, however, remained positive and real in my experience, and this was the personality of Santoris. With each moment that passed I knew it better the flash of his blue eyes his sudden fleeting smile the turn of his head the very gesture of his hand, all these were as familiar to me as the reflection of my own face in a mirror.

Gradually I became aware that what I was reading was intended for my instruction, and that the book itself was a gift to me from Aselzion if I proved a 'faithful student. A thrill of hope and gratitude began to relieve the cold weight upon my heart, and I suddenly resolved that I would not listen to any more voices, even if they spoke again. "Rafel Santoris is not dead!"

Harland "It was given to our little friend by a wild Highland fellow, presumably a native of Mull, the very morning after she had seen your yacht for the first time, and he told her that on the previous night he had brought all of the same kind he could gather to you! Surely you see the connection?" Santoris shook his head. "I'm afraid I don't!" he said, smilingly.