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"That has been thoroughly proved," answered another voice "Just half a gale of wind with a dash of thunder and lightning, and down it went, with every soul on board." "Santoris might have saved himself. He was a fine swimmer." "Was he?" Another silence. I thought my head would have burst with its aching agony of suspense, my eyes were burning like hot coals with a weight of unshed tears.

There is nothing in the line of so-called miracle he cannot do, and of course those who are ignorant of his methods, and who are credulous themselves " "Like the woman here," interposed the first voice. "Yes like the woman here little fool!" and there was more laughter "Fancying herself in love with Rafel Santoris!" I sat up in bed, straining my ears now for every word.

He replied by a counter question. "Would you be sorry if I could?" She flushed a little. I smiled, knowing what was in her mind. "It would be a most unpleasant accomplishment that of reading the thoughts of others," said Mr. Harland; "I would rather not cultivate it." "But Mr. Santoris almost implies that he possesses it," said Dr.

"What do you say to leaving me on board while you and my little friend go and see your sunset effect on Loch Coruisk by yourselves?" Santoris heard this suggestion with an amused look. "You don't care for sunsets?" "Oh yes, I do, in a way. But I've seen so many of them " "No two alike" put in Santoris. "I daresay not. Still, I don't mind missing a few.

Swinton, I wish you would take a few notes for me of what Mr. Santoris said about that collar of jewels, I should like to keep the record." Mr. Swinton smiled an obliging assent. "I certainly will," he said. "I was fortunately present when Mr. Santoris expressed his curious ideas about the jewels to Mr. Harland." "Oh, well, if you are going to record it," said Mr.

And Santoris smiled "I will, with pleasure! if the story does not bore you. There is no mystery about it no 'black magic, or 'occultism' of any kind. I have done nothing since I left college but adapt myself to the forces of Nature, AND TO USE THEM WHEN NECESSARY. The same way of life is open to all and the same results are bound to follow." "Results? Such as ?" queried Brayle.

"Santoris was well on his way to the goal" said a voice that was suave and calm of accent "Certainly no one would have guessed his real age." "He had all the ardour and passion of youth" said another voice "The fire of love ran as warmly in his veins as though he were a Romeo! None of the coldness and reluctance of age affected him where the fair sex was concerned!" More laughter followed.

You are here by the wicked will of Rafel Santoris a man who would sacrifice any life remorselessly in the support of his own mad theories! You are under his influence, you poor creature! so easily trapped, too! you think you are following your own way and carrying out your own wishes, but you are really the slave of Santoris and have been so ever since you met him.

That's the chronicle, so far as I am concerned. I rather liked it on account of its antiquity. I could have sold it many times over, but I have no desire to part with it." "Naturally!" and Santoris passed on the collar to everyone to examine "You feel a sense of proprietorship in it."

And what talk it was! all sorts of subjects, social and impersonal, came up for discussion, and Santoris handled them with such skill that he made us forget that there was anything remarkable or unusual about himself or his surroundings, though, as a matter of fact, no more princely banquet could ever have been served in the most luxurious of palaces.