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Winifred had always been noted for sang-froid. Soames took his leave. All the way down to Reading he debated whether he should tell Fleur of that boy's father's death. It did not alter the situation except that he would be independent now, and only have his mother's opposition to encounter.

Whilst Salmon went on with this process of weighing, which he did with perfect sang-froid, he began to mutter, "Five hundred and ninety-four pounds, ten shillings, and six-pence; too much, too much by half, for worm-eaten bed-steads and chairs, darned curtains and faded portraits; but Mr.

As these two newcomers seemed no more astonished at my presence than the man I had met at the gate, I checked the question which instinctively rose to my lips, and with a simple bow responded to by a more or less familiar nod from either accepted the situation with all the sang-froid the occasion seemed to demand.

He found himself again alone; but his conversation with the soldiers had been of service to him. His weakness had passed; his sang-froid had returned; he would now reflect. He was surprised that he had heard nothing from Mme. d'Escorval and from Maurice. Could it be that they had been refused access to the prison?

We were to realize it now; the women were indeed splendid. There was no crying or screaming or hysteria, or wild inquiries. They were perfectly calm and collected: none of them showed the least fear, even under fire. The women took the matter as coolly as if being shelled and leaving a ship in lifeboats were nothing much out of the ordinary. Their sang-froid was marvellous.

"The August Personage shrugged his shoulders, and, searching his pockets, could produce nothing but a cigarette case and a button. To show his sang-froid, I need only remark that when he produced the latter article he laughed heartily and said to the chauffeur

She disarmed one by what would have been, in a man, insolent sang-froid: in her it was piquancy, daring. Presently she added: "But if we are to have no colossal whistle and no electric light till evening, there is one thing I must have: and that is your remarkable Phil Boldrick, who seems to hold you all in the palm of his hand, and lives up there like a god on his Olympus."

The uncle said nothing, regretted that he had met Lissac, and contented himself with stammering from time to time: "She has done that? What! she has done that? Ah! the rogue." "And what do you say about it, you, Simon Kayser?" "I? What do I say about it? Why " Little by little he recovered his sang-froid, looking at matters from the lofty heights of his artist's philosophy.

To be in Nancy's presence and not alone with Nancy was agonizing, and I wondered at a sang-froid beyond my power to achieve, accused her of coldness, my sufferings being the greater because she seemed more beautiful, daintier, more irreproachable than I had ever seen her.

"You will have to bring to the enterprise all that ability which used to characterize your efforts as an amateur actor, Bunny," she replied. "Summon all your sang-froid to your aid; act with deliberation, courtesy, and, above all, without the slightest manifestation of nervousness, and we should win, not a petty little twenty-seven hundred dollars, but as many thousands. You know Mrs.