United States or Jamaica ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Pons, poor honest soul, was for returning the present, and Gaudissart had a world of trouble to persuade him to keep it. "Ah!" said the manager afterwards, when he told his partner of the interview, "if we could only find actors up to that sample."

That's where a rummage-sale comes in handy." Leila laughed. "Why not sell the unsatisfactory young man, Mrs. Crocker?" "Well, that ain't a bad idea," said the post-mistress slyly, "if he's a damaged article a rummage-sale of husbands not up to sample." "A very useful idea," said the young woman. "Good-bye."

"After that he took me to the entrance and pushed me outside, and I heard all those fierce creatures in the cages growl and roar louder than ever, as if they had expected to sample me and were sorry to see me go.

"This you see, Paul, is a loftier and more erudite sort of tickle, and may be reserved for one of the Quarterly Reviews. Never throw away a simile unnecessarily. "Now for a sample of the facetious tickle: 'Mr. -has obtained a considerable reputation!

The United States have the benefit of these improvements, at the same time that their yield of coal has swelled from four millions of tons at that time to more than fifty now, and of iron in a large though not equal ratio. The Lake Superior region, which rested its claims on a sample of its then annual product of one hundred tons of copper, now exports seven hundred thousand tons of iron ore.

If at Dinant, however, you desert the broad valley of the Meuse for the narrow and secluded limestone glen of the Lesse, with its clear and sparkling stream, you will sample at once a kind of scenery that reminds you of what is best in Derbyshire, and is also best and most characteristic in the Belgian Ardennes.

As De Quille says: "They soon found and spent some days in working up the undisturbed trail of an undiscovered deposit, They were on the 'golden bee-line' and stuck to it faithfully, though it was necessary to carry each sample of dirt a considerable distance to a small stream in the bed of a canon in order to wash it.

O Sister, Sister, Sister, don't ever go away any more. There was a great deal of confused kissing and embracing as she made her way upstairs. 'But oh, my Tedo, what has happened? for she beheld a fine sample of Bill Harewood's violet eye. 'It was Bernard's stick went into his eye when we were playing at hockey, said Stella. 'He did cry terribly, but Sister Constance put such nice stuff

And both the boys had new shoes to follow in, she would have it they should follow" And so on, and so on, the windmiller ran up the list of his petty debts, and saw his way to paying them. Then he put the money back into the sample bag, and folded it very neatly, and stowed it away. And then he drew near the inner door, and peeped into the room.

"Yes, Father," laughed the great fellow, "for the sake of Holy Church, I did indeed confiscate that temptation completely, and if you must needs have proof in order to absolve me from my sins, come with me now and you shall sample the excellent discrimination which the Bishop of Norwich displays in the selection of his temptations."