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"He aint down under the wharf salting these gold-boxes or doing some other kind of monkey business with 'em? Hey?" "Why, no," I persisted, weakly, "he's gone to Lanesport, I tell you." But the idea struck me for the first time, "down under the wharf," that was where I had seen them both yesterday. "Gone to Lanesport?" he continued, "but you say yourself that you have only his word for it.

People pretend the bughar wahoush does not drink; perhaps they don't drink much. But both the wild ox and the aoudad are occasionally caught near the wells, a sufficient proof they sometimes drink water. I cooked some, and found it of excellent flavour. People call this animal also medicine. I purchased half of one to salt for my journey to Ghat, but spoilt it by too much salting.

The enclosing of the fish was the result of a few minutes' work, but the salting and packing were not ended for many days. The result, however, was that the lucky smith sent many hogsheads of pilchards the way of most Cornish fish namely, to the Mediterranean, for consumption by Roman Catholics, and in due course he received the proceeds, to the extent of three thousand pounds.

If they are hungry, plates of soup will be brought to them on the bridge, and the North Sea will attend to its salting for them. Frequently this "meal" is interrupted by some announcement from the watch, such as: "Smoke on the horizon off the port bow." Then so we are told: The commander drops his plate, shouts a short, crisp command, and an electric alarm whirs inside the egg-shell.

She wondered what he was doing so far from England, and what she could do to pay him back for his friendliness for she felt instinctively that she had a friend in him. Sure enough, he had started the big pot of water boiling for the oatmeal, and was salting it as she entered. "Oh, let me!" she cried, and before his doubting eyes she began to stir the oatmeal in.

He had been a physician in his native state of Mississippi, but there were so many widows and orphans who could not pay his fees that he gave up his profession, and came to the Gulf coast of Florida, where he met a widow, who owned, with her nephew, one thousand head of cattle, which roamed through the savanna bottoms of the coast, requiring no care except an occasional salting.

The only example in the National Gallery is the Three Boors Drinking, bequeathed by George Salting in 1910; and at Hertford House the Boor Asleep, though of this we may without hesitation accept the description in the catalogue, "our painting is of the highest quality, and in the audacity of its realism rises almost to grandeur."

We asked to have it twice a week, but that could not be arranged. We mean to try salting a portion. Our meat larder is the passage as being the most airy place. Sunday, December 23. Ben is all right again. It is thought he overdid himself driving sheep. He had no dog with him and did a good deal of shouting and running. He is the man who has deformed arms.

Albert had been doing the salting and Dick meanwhile had been getting ready the frame for the jerking. He drove four forked poles into the ground, in the form of a square and about seven feet apart. The forks were between four and five feet above the ground. On opposite sides of the square, from fork to fork, he laid two stout young poles of fresh, green wood.

"We must make Pendleton and Halliday bid each other up to our figure. And there'll be no 'salting down' done, either yet awhile. I hope things won't shrink too much in the washing; but the real-estate hot air of the past few years must cause some trouble when the payments deferred begin to make the heart sick. The Trust Company will be called on to make good some of its guaranties and must do it.