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Noo, there's the new minister o' Netheraird, he writes his sermon on ae side o' ten sheets o' paper, an' he's that carried awa' at the end o' ilka page that he disna ken what he's daein', an' the sleeve o' his goon slips the sheet across tae the ither side o' the Bible. "But Doctor Ferintosh wes cleverer, sall it near beat me tae detect him," and Elspeth paused to enjoy the pulpit ruse.

"Who, I?" said the mendicant "Lord bless your honour, naebody sall ken a word about it frae me, mair than if the bit bourock had been there since Noah's flood. But, Lord, they tell me your honour has gien Johnnie Howie acre for acre of the laigh crofts for this heathery knowe!

"Oh, we have lots of names for him Old Nick, for instance." "Old Nick breeches," said the Countess thoughtfully; "no, dat sall not be it vot else?" "Old Harry?" replied Mr. Jorrocks. "Old Harry breeches," repeated the Countess in the hopes of catching the name by the ear "no, nor dat either, encore anoder name, Colonel." "Old Scratch, then?"

"That's one of your puzzlers, I think," she said, looking up slyly from the corners of her eyes. "Well, Sall, that is a puzzler," returned Adams, with a self-condemning shake of the head. "I never before felt so powerfully the want o' dictionary knowledge. I'll be shot if I can tell you what sentimental is, though I know what it is as well as I know what six-water grog or plum-duff is.

'Your honour sall get ane o' the Colonel's ain ruffled sarks, but this maun gang in the baggage-cart. And so saying, he very coolly carried off the portmanteau, without waiting further remonstrance, leaving our hero in a state where disappointment and indignation struggled for the mastery.

"Man," hurries in the first, "a' see him stannin' at his desk in the mornin' watchin' the laddies comin' in ower the top o' his spectacles, an' juist considerin' wha wud be the better o' a bit thrashin' that day." Sall, they were fearsome."

And will it not be a hard matter, seeing that it is so, that Saint Andrews sall be as Gideon's fleece; that all the kingdom about it sall be wet with the dew of heaven, and it sall only be dry? Even so, will it not be a shame, that all others sall be stirred up, and ye not a whit stirred up in this day more than if there were not such a thing?

And now, wife, what for are ye no getting forrit wi' the sowens?" "Never mind, lad," rejoined Jenny, "ye sall hae them in gude time; I ken weel that ye like your brose het." Cuddie fidgeted and laughed with a peculiar expression of intelligence at this repartee, which was followed by a dialogue of little consequence betwixt his wife and him, in which the stranger took no share.

Hushai says to Absalom, "Convene the people from Dan to Beersheba, and then we sall light upon David as the dew lighteth upon the ground; and then there sall not be left of him and of all the men that are with him so much as one."

'Fffail, said she, pronouncing the 'v' with a long fluttering 'f'-sound. 'Pre-vail, said I. 'Pe-vvvail, said she. 'White Power shall not prevail, said I. 'Hwhite Pow-wer sall not fffail, said she.