United States or Luxembourg ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

On our way he questioned me as to my mode of getting my livelihood, and I narrated how unfortunate I had been. `One good turn deserves another, replied the sailor; `and now I'll set you up in trade. Can you sing?

Lucy, whilst one spark of mortal life is alive in my body, whilst memory can remember the dreams of only the preceding moment, whilst a single faculty of heart or intellect remains by which your image can be preserved, I shall cling to that image as the shipwrecked sailor would to the plank that bears him through the midnight storm as a despairing soul would to the only good act of a wicked life that he could plead for his salvation."

His manner, I remarked, was more cordial than usual; and perhaps he did not expect to see us again. As soon as he had left us, we consulted how we should form a line to let down out of the window, as our sailor friend had advised. We hunted about, but could not find even the smallest piece of rope.

Evringham letting you come in at all. Why, you'll very likely not get home till midnight." "Won't it be the most fun!" cried the child, dancing to her closet and getting her checked silk dress. "I guess your flannel sailor suit will be the best, Jewel." "Grandpa said I might wear my silk.

But this Kate was made for a sailor's wife! See, Griffith, what a set of signals she has formed, out of her own cunning head." "I hope your opinion may prove true, and that you may be the happy sailor who is to wed her," returned the other. "The girl has indeed discovered surprising art in this business! Where could she have learnt the method and system so well?"

At the door of the cottage was the girl with the pleated skirt and white sailor hat, still leading the now submissive but quivering youth. "Fine!" Katharine exclaimed under her breath. "Things have turned out just right. If that should prove to be the Graham home we couldn't wish for better luck. Come on; let's back through the timber and approach this place from another direction.

It took no more than minutes to learn the names and uses of the few new ropes. It was simple. I did not do things blindly. As a small-boat sailor I had learned to reason out and know the why of everything.

And, with a shudder, that shook visibly his whole frame, the unfortunate youth relapsed into insensibility. There was a brief pause, during which the feelings of the spectators may be better imagined than described, though, assuredly, admiration of the generous anxiety of the young sailor to do justice to his friend was the prevailing sentiment of their minds.

The thirsty citizen or sailor has only to step into a boat and give it a shove or two across the narrow stream that separates the United States from Deer Island and land, when he can ruin his breath, and return before he is missed. This might be a cause of war with, England, but it is not the most serious grievance here.

"Yes, master, it is I," replied the stalwart fellow, twirling his sailor hat still faster. "Listening isn't exactly my trade, and I don't usually enter your presence uninvited; but I couldn't help hearing what came through the door, and the croaking of the old raven drew me in."