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It'll only be hard work for a year or two, and then plain sailing after that, Charley!" Charley's clear blue eyes filled with tears as the accents of kindness fell upon his ear. It is strange that men should frequently be so blind to the potent influence of kindness.

A third says, "Watch a bird sailing around in the sky. Keep the mind upon it and watch it as it steadily sails until you are asleep." Someone says, "Repeat the Twenty-third Psalm over and over, the more rhythmic, the better." Another says, "Think of the sky. Keep the mind upon its expanse." Still another, "Think of the Infinite and Eternal Source of the universe."

And he stood with his face lifted, looking at the great white sailing moon. He stood very still and seemed for the moment to forget the world and himself. It was a wonderful, triumphant queen of a moon. But something brought him back to earth. A low, but strong and clear, boy-voice came up to him from the garden path below. "The Lamp is lighted.

"But he was wise; I kept one of the guns continually bearing upon him and would have blown him and his men to kingdom come." Again the Captain puffed his cigarette. He looked dreamily down the river where the sailing craft had passed from sight. "You would not have harmed General Yozarro or anyone in the boat." "You are insulting, Captain; I could not have missed them."

'We all felt that the plot was thickening, and we could not fail to be inspirited by the fact that we had not so far encountered the heavy pack-ice which Ross reported in this region, and that consequently we were now sailing in an open sea into an unknown world.

"Certainly: we are conscious of our disposition, of our general manner of thinking, and consequently can judge of our course of action." "That would make life plane sailing. "No, for though you know your own qualities, you can seldom force events to fit them. As long as he can avoid danger the coward may be brave, but if danger is thrust upon him, off he runs."

". . . I had a letter from Posh yesterday, telling me he was sorry we had not 'parted Friends. That he had been indeed 'a little the worse for Drink' which means being at a Public-house half the Day, and having to sleep it off the remainder: having been duly warned by his Father at Noon that all had been ready for sailing 2 hours before, and all the other Luggers gone.

A large part of the force thus raised was stationed at Plymouth, which is the first great sea-port which presents itself on the English coast in sailing up the Channel.

He knew no pleasure like that of sailing his cousin's sloop; he loved every plank of her dainty hull; it was to him a privilege to lay his hand to any task appertaining to her, however humble or hard.

Dodd was extremely anxious to get to Barkington before the news of the wreck; for otherwise he knew his wife and children would suffer a year's agony in a single day. The only chance he saw was to get to Boulogne in time to catch the Nancy sailing packet; for it was her day. But then Boulogne was eight leagues distant, and there was no public conveyance going.