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On going down to the gate next day he found that the negro had changed his commodity, and that this time his basket contained very large and fine cucumbers. These were selling briskly, and Vincent saw that Dan was looking round anxiously, and that an expression of relief came over his face as he perceived him. He had, indeed, but eight or ten cucumbers left. "Cucumbers to-day, sah?

Then find my cup and fill it, there's a good fellow, and I'll owe you a glass of grog." "Hi, yi!" answered the black, his eyes sparkling and his teeth gleaming hilariously, "who you call `brack demon, eh, sah? Who eber hear of brack demon turnin' out at four o'clock in de mornin' to make coffee for young gentermen, eh?

"Why, sah, he is on deck, comfortably asleep between two ob de guns, where I put him when I come aboard." "Very good, Peter; I begin to think you were not so very drunk after all," answered I, well pleased. "But it will not do to leave him on deck all night," I continued; "he will get sober, and give us the slip.

"I'se been tellin' dem we has eggs nouf, but the Dutchman he deaf as a stun wall, an' de girl am dat sot, dat your own self couldn't be sotter, sah. She done say her folks 'prived demselfs of food an' drink, sah, to save dese eggs fur your excellency, an' she goes on tu say, sah, dat she done been habbin' de debbil's own time gettin' past de lines wid de eggs.

Den you save my wife for me, den you pay out dat Jackson, and now you hab killed him. I could hab shouted for joy, sah, when I saw you hit him ober de head wid de shovel, and I saw dat dis time he gib no more trouble to no one. I should hab done for him bery soon, sah. I had my eye upon him, and the fust time we go into battle he get a ball in his back. Lucky he didn't see me.

His manner seemed to say that he knew he was dealing with one he could crush whenever he felt like it, and of whom he need not stand in fear; and Marcy was quick to notice it. "Sarvent, sah," said Kelsey, rising to his feet and taking off his tattered hat, which, however, he almost instantly replaced.

Damon, and then took his leave, flying back home in the airship. "Gen'man t' see yo', Massa Tom," announced Eradicate, as he helped Tom wheel the monoplane back into the shed. "Is that so, Rad? Where is he?" "Settin' in th' library. Yo' father am out, so I asted him in dere." "That's right, Rad. Who is he, do you know?" "No, sah, Massa Tom, I doan't.

"You's bery welcom, sah," responded Ben, touching his hat respectfully, then walking away toward Mr. Dinsmore's cottage. "From Washington," the captain remarked, more to himself than to Max, as he broke the seal. Max watched him while he read, then asked, a little tremulously, "Must you go very soon, papa?" "Within three days, my boy.

Goliday took his hand away from the butt of his ivory-handled gun. The Texan had pulled his other revolver with the bewildering speed of a magician. Goliday was covered, "plumb center." "That's our answah, sah!" The Kid snapped. Goliday's sallow face was red with rage. "I have power here!" he rasped. "And yuh'll hear from me!

"Hit's cert'nly good news fo' Fahfiel', Marse Philip, hit's mighty good news fo' us niggers, sah. I'se b'longed to the Fahfiel' fam'ly a hund'ed years, Marse me and my folks, and I wishes yo' a welcome home, sah welcome home, Marse Philip." Philip bent with a quick movement from his horse, and gripped the twisted old black hand, speechless.