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The road he followed sagged between two gray hills into a narrow valley, and regaining its balance upon the farther side, stretched over a cattle pasture into the thick cover of the woods. As he reached the summit of the first hill, he saw the Major's coach creeping slowly up the incline, and heard the old gentleman scolding through the window at Congo on the box.

All showed evidence of having dropped asleep with irresistible suddenness. Some were gaping, others foolishly grinning as if their last sensation had been agreeable as indeed it had been while others stared disconcertingly. The chin of one showed an ugly burn where his Turkish cigarette had sagged, and had smoldered to extinction on the flesh.

Percival's shoulders sagged. His face wore an expression of complete surrender. "Well, if you won't, I suppose you won't," he muttered. A triumphant sneer greeted this abject back-down on the part of the would-be dictator. "I thought so," exclaimed Landover. "You're yellow. You can bully these poor, ignorant " He never finished the sentence.

"Bill's kid the little boy who stuck by my wife when Lucy was born." "Same boy, and he's damn sorry to find you in this fix," responded Pan, forcefully. "And he's here to get you out." Blake sagged back as slowly as he had arisen. His face changed like that of a man suddenly stabbed. And he dropped his head. In that moment Pan saw enough to make him glad.

She might once have been tall and erect, but her form now sagged to the left, losing both height and dignity. Her visage, seamed and furrowed by the scar of some terrible calamity, had lost its natural contour. The left eye was extinguished, but the right remained, the only feature in its original state.

What girl wouldn't be rummy at breakfast, tied for life to a ghastly outsider like himself? He groaned hollowly, and sagged forlornly in his chair: and, as he did so, the Venus caught his eye. For it was an eye-catching picture. You might like it or dislike it, but you could not ignore it.

With one hand he pulled the roll collar away from the man's neck and with the other sought for the string: sought in vain. The light, the four drab walls, the haze of tobacco smoke, all turned red. "Where is it, you dog? Quick!" Thomas shook the man. "Where is it? Quick, or I'll throttle you!" "Lemme 'lone!" Jameson sagged toward the table again.

Pushing our loopholes open, regardless of the enemy's fire, we gasped for breath; never have I been so choked and so distressed, and presently, the air clearing a little, a huge rent in the roof was disclosed. On the ground behind lay piles upon piles of rubbish and broken tiles, and perilously near our heads a huge rafter sagged downwards, half split in two.

Satan, understanding the throwing of the reins as an order to halt, came to a sharp stop, and the body of the senseless rider sagged to one side. Black Bart caught the reins. They were bitter and salt with blood of the master. He tugged hard. Satan whinnied his doubt, and the growl of Black Bart answered, half a threat.

Her calm manner harmonized perfectly with her huge person, which was as thick and rigid as a tree-trunk; her face was fleshy and of stolid features, her wrinkles deep; pouches of loose flesh sagged beneath her eyes; on her head she wore a black kerchief, tightly knotted around her temples.