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But in the fifth century the barbarians rush upon Rome, sack and burn it, and carry the spoils spared by the flames away in their chariots. As long as the city was dependent on Byzantium a custodian of the imperial palaces remained there watching over the Palatine. Then all fades and crumbles in the night of the middle ages.

Phyllis took imperious control. "Get a coat on him, Jim," she ordered. At the same time she caught up the basin of bloodstained water and flung its contents through the open window. The torn linen and the stained handkerchief she tossed into a corner and covered with a gunny sack. "Not a word about the wound, Jim. Mr. Keller is here to help you do your assessment work, remember.

I have not rolled about in the world for many a day to fear Tony Foster, be I drunk or sober. Bring me a flagon of cold water to christen my sack withal."

And, say, what do you know about that, eh? Just a piece of phony bookkeepin' that he don't even have to put his name to, his job gone if he don't follow orders, and him almost to the age limit anyway, with Son in Law Bennett ready to shove him on the street the minute he gets the sack! "Do you mean it?" says I. He puts his signature to the resignation and hands it over for me to read.

But around the other city were two armies in siege with glittering arms. And two counsels found favour among them, either to sack the town or to share all with the townsfolk even whatsoever substance the fair city held within. But the besieged were not yet yielding, but arming for an ambushment.

Her white hair curled naturally over a low forehead. Her complexion showed care and powder. Her eyes were still bright, not with the effete intelligence of old age, but with actual potency. She wore a loose black sack flowered in purple, and over that a black lace mantle, fastened with more gold brooches.

'Leaping Horse found a place, he said, 'where he and his brother can make a good fight. Straight Harry get on his friend's back. It was clear that there weren't no use talking to him. He lifted me up on to my feet, then he got me well up on to his back, as if I had been a sack of coal, and went off with me, striding along pretty near as quick as if I had not been there.

Upon screaming for help, the sack was opened, and an Arab threatened him with a knife should he make the slightest noise. Thus quieted, he was carried hundreds of miles through Kordofan to Dongola on the Nile, at which place he was sold to slave-dealers and taken to Cairo to be sold to the Egyptian government as a drummer-boy.

She uttered a shout and flung herself upon him, clutching his coat. "Gawd!" she sobbed hysterically, "I thort I'd lost yer! I thort I'd lost all of it, I did! Strewth! I 'm glad I've found yer " and she stopped, choking with her sobs and sniffs, rubbing her face in her sack. "Here is your sovereign," Dart said, handing it to her.

But as I was about to say, Mrs. Hill sent this lunch and she said she hoped you'd accept it." He untied a sack from the back of his saddle, and as he caught the fragrance of new-made doughnuts Big Boy's resolution failed. "All right," he said, making a grab for the lunch. "Much obliged!" And he chucked him a bill. "Hey, what's this for?" exclaimed Bunker Hill grievously.