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"Well, it pacified him a bit, and to turn the conversation, sais I, 'Colonel, sais I, 'what a most an almighty everlastin' super superior Newfoundler that is, a pointin' to his dog; 'creation, sais I, 'if I had a regiment of such fellows, I believe I wouldn't be afraid of the devil. My, sais I, 'what a dog! would you part with him? I'de give anything for him.

'Them as won't come in had better stay to home, sais he. And when he hears that them as are in had better stay in when they be there, he takes the hint and goes back agin. 'Come, boys, let's go to Black Stump Swamp and sarch for honey. We shall be back in time to walk home with the galls from night meetin', by airly candle-light. Let's go.

"I looked over the fence, and I seed he had hoed jist ten hills of potatoes, and that's all. Fact I assure you. "Sais he, 'Mr. Slick, tell you what, of all the work I ever did in my life I like hoein' potatoes the best, and I'd rather die than do that, it makes my back ache so." "'Good airth" and seas, sais I to myself, 'what a parfect pictur of a lazy man that is! How far is it to Windsor?

"'By the piper that played before Moses! sais Pat, 'I'll stop your chee, chee, cheein' for you, you chatterin' spalpeen of a devil, you'. So he ups with the rifle agin, takes a fair aim at him, shuts both eyes, turns his head round, and fires; and "Bull-Dog," findin' he didn't know how to hold her tight to the shoulder, got mad, and kicked him head over heels, on the broad of his back.

It is what the French call a je ne sais quoi, a something insaisissable, a sort of nuance, not amounting of course to a lueur, but still, how shall one put it, SOMETHING. Showing the Stimulating Effect of the War on Its Literary Style "There is no doubt that our boys, and the Americans, are going some on the western front.

Her father, Amasis, had been struck with blindness on the very day she had reached Babylon; and her frail twin-sister Tachot, after falling into a violent fever, was wasting away for love of Bartja, whose beauty had captured her heart at the time of his mission in Sais. His name had been even on her lips in her delirium, and the only hope for her was to see him again.

First," sais I, "I have no idea of runnin' agin a doctor either at an election or elsewhere, so make yourself quite easy on that score, for if I did, as he is my superior, I should be sure to get the worst of it." "How," said he, "Sam?" lookin' quite pleased, seein' me kinder knock under that way.

"A composition," sais I, "of dry leaves of certain aromatic plants and barks of various kinds of trees, an excellent substitute for tobacco, but when mixed with it, something super-superior. If we can get into the woods, I will show you how to prepare it; but, Doctor," sais I, "I build no theories on the subject of the Africans; I leave their construction to other and wiser men than myself.

You never seed such a figure as he was, he was wet through and through, and the dry dust stickin' to his clothes, made him look like a dog, that had jumped into the water, and then took a roll in the road to dry hisself; he was a caution to look at, that's a fact. "'Well, sais I, 'Stranger, did you see the Falls?

As we approached the eastern coast, "Eldad," sais I, to the pilot, "is there any harbour about here where our folks can do a little bit of trade, and where I can see something of 'Fishermen at home?" "We must be careful now how we proceed, for if the 'Spitfire' floats at the flood, Captain Stoker will try perhaps to overhaul us."