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"I'll make him draw his fist in, I know," sais I. So I seized my rifle, and stepped behind the mast, so that he could not see me; and as a large grey gull was passing over his boat high up in the air, I fired, and down it fell on the old coon's head so heavily and so suddenly, he thought he was shot; and he and the others set up a yell of fright and terror that made everybody on board of the little fleet of coasters that were anchored round us, combine in three of the heartiest, merriest, and loudest cheers I ever heard.

His servile spirit bowed before the ruler's power, instead of arming his right hand with the dagger of revenge, and when the frantic king asked him the same question a second time, he actually answered, pressing his hand on his heart: "A god could not have hit the mark more exactly." A few weeks after this, the king went to Sais, and there was shown the rooms formerly occupied by his bride.

For when Amasis and Ladice embraced Nitetis for the last time with tears when Tachot, in presence of all the inhabitants of Sais, following her sister down the broad flight of steps that led to the river, threw her arms round her neck once more and burst into sobs when at last the wind filled the sails of the royal boat and bore the princess, destined to be the great king's bride, from their sight, few eyes among that vast crowd remained dry.

"Well, as I was a sayin', sais I to Mr Parker, 'Candidly, now, my only reason for partin' with that are horse is, that I want to go away in a hurry out of Boston clear down to Charleston, South Carolina, and as I can't take him with me, I prefer to sell him." "'Well, sais he, 'the beast is mine, and here is a cheque for your money.

She was as strong as a moose, and as ugly too; and her great-white pointed teeth was a caution to a shark. "'Hullo, sais she, 'here's the devil to pay, and no pitch hot. Are you a goin' to kill that boy, massa? and she seized hold of me and took me away from him, and caught me up in her arms as easy as if I was a doll.

Me engaged, I should like to see the man that "'Well, you seemed plaguey scared at one just now, sais I. 'I am sure it was a strange way to show you would like to see a man. "'I didn't say that, she replied, 'but you take one up so quick. "'It's a way I have, said I, 'and always had, since you and I was to singing-school together, and larnt sharps, flats, and naturals.

I beg pardon, I have been absent some time, as long as twenty days or perhaps twenty-five, there must have been great changes, since I left. "'The garrison, sais you. "'Is English, sais he. "'The armed ships in the harbour? "'English. "'The governor and his secretary? "'English. "'The principal officer of customs and principal part of his deputies? "'English.

Dey is a cuss to de country; and it's berry hard for you and me to pay rates to support 'em: our rates last year was bominable. Let us pass dis law, Missus, and fowl stealin' is done de ting is dead. "'Well, you may try it for six months, she say, 'only no whippin'. We must find some oder punishment, she said. "'I ab it, sais I, 'Missus! Oh Lord a massy, Missus! oh dear missus!

As for patronage, sais you, 'you know as well as I do, that all that's not worth havin', is jist left to poor colonist. He is an officer of militia, gets no pay and finds his own fit out. Like Don Quixote's tailor, he works for nothin' and finds thread.

"'Why the plague, didn't you make a fuss? sais the General, 'why didn't you get right up, and break up the party? "'I didn't hear it, sais he. "'You didn't hear it! sais Old Sword-belt, 'then you had ought to have heerd it; and for two pins, I'd sharpen your hearin' for you, so that a snore of a fly would wake you up, as if a byler had bust.