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Now begin agin, an' write jest as I give it to ye. 'I solem-ny sw'ar, s'welp me! that I hain't seen no pauper, in no woods, whose name was Benedict." "Done," said Yates, "but it isn't grammar." "Hang the grammar!" responded Jim; "what I want is sense.

I never done a job like this von before, gentlemen, but I vos hardt pushed for money, s'welp me I vos! "I left it till late last night because of these air raids... I vanted to be sure that ole Mac and 'is daughter should be asleep. I god in from the back of the louse, oi, oi, bot it vos dead easy! through the scollery vindow.

I saved them up a long while ago. That will pay for burying me. And, Jim, you'll take care of the kid. You won't let it go to the parish." Jim promised. "Say 'S'welp me Gawd, Jim." "S'welp me Gawd, mother." Then the woman, having arranged her worldly affairs, lay back ready, and Death struck. Jim kept his oath.

He turned bleared, yet honest-looking eyes upon me. "The whole blasted show!" said he. "There's nothing right in it, s'welp me Gawd." I gave a modified assent to the proposition and drew my coat-collar over my eyes. "Being wet through doesn't make it any better," said I. "Who would ha' thought it would come down as it has to-day? Tell me that. It's enough to make a man cut his throat!"

About the longitude of Cassocks, Hinchcliffe yawned. "Aren't we goin' to maroon our Robert? I'm hungry, too." "The commodore wants his money back," I answered. "If he drives like this habitual, there must be a tidyish little lump owin' to him," said Pyecroft. "Well, I'm agreeable." "I didn't know it could be done. S'welp me, I didn't," our guest murmured. "But you will," said Kysh.

I expec's 'e was one o' these 'ere blokes wot wheeled an ice-cream barrer. S'welp me I do!" A loud titter greeted his utterance, and Commander Potvin stopped reading for a moment, and glanced round with a fierce expression, without being able to see whence the sounds of merriment emanated.

"Factory makes electric fittin's an' such-like, an' ships 'em abroad," he said, tersely. "Happen you don't unnerstan' the business? Happen the marster won't want you. Happen you'll 'ave ter move on, I'm a-thinkin'." "Happen I won't!" retorted Cleek, with a loud guffaw. "S'welp me, you chaps, ain't none uv you a-goin' ter lend a 'and to a mate wot's out uv a job? What's the blooming mystery?

They say as the old man is took with spasms round at the Union. S'welp me if Albey ain't in luck at his time of life too." He winked at the girl, who had put her arm boldly round his waist, and marched on with the proud consciousness that his cleverness had not failed to make a just impression.

Now jine this on: 'An' I solem-ny sw'ar, s'welp me! that I won't blow on Benedict, as isn't a pauper no more nor Jim Fenton is an' if so be as I do blow on Benedict I give Jim Fenton free liberty, out and out to lick me without goin' to lor but takin' the privlidge of self-defense." Jim thought a moment. He had wrought out a large phrase. "I guess," said he, "that covers the thing.

They won't say nothink up there, not if you was to go in a billycock 'at and a duster, s'welp me, they wouldn't " But I didn't listen to him, and going up the front door steps by the policemen, I told them I was Lord Crossborough's driver, and passed right in.