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After hours of prying and pushing and tugging and yelling they at length got the wagon over the slough, reaching camp about midnight. "Orderly," said Si, "I believe I'd like to resign my place as mule-driver. It's a nice, soft thing, but I'd jest as lief let s'mother feller have it, so I'll take my gun an' go to hoofin' it agin!"

He's still got the same package. He goes into a certain department store, and buys a suit o' clothes in the clothin' department; shirts, socks, an' underclothes in the gents' furnishin' department; a pair o' shoes in the shoe department, an' s'mother things in other departments. These he has all done up in wrappin'-paper, pays fur 'em, and leaves 'em to be called fur later.

"It'll be so much better 'n walkin' back 'n' forrard on the beats. Wonder 'f they'll give us bosses or mules to ride." "I'd like to know what put that idee into yer head," said Shorty. "Whydn't the Ord'ly say last night there 'd be guard-mountin' at 9 o'clock this mornin'? I s'posed that fer a man to be mounted meant straddlin' a boss or s'mother kind of an animal."

Do you know Adam Smith? "'Lemme see, says I. 'There was a one-eared man named Smith in Fort Worth, Texas, but I think his first name was "'I am referring to the political economist, says Wainwright. "'S'mother Smith, then, says I. 'The one I speak of never was arrested.

An' I wanted to ask you to pick out s'mother girl." Duncan chuckled silently. "Tracey," he said presently, "it strikes me you must be in love with Angie." The boy gulped. "I I am." "And I think she's rather partial to you." "Do you, really, Mr. Duncan?" "I do. Do you want to marry her?" "Gee! I can't hardly wait!... Only," Tracey continued, disconsolate, "it ain't no use, really.