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Fanny looked mysteriously at her mother-in-law with sudden confidence. "Look here," she said. "What?" The two women looked at each other, and neither said a word, but the meaning of one flashed to the other like telegraphy. "Do you s'pose that's it?" said Mrs. Zelotes, her old face relaxing into half-shamed, half-pleased smiles. "Yes, I do," said Fanny, emphatically. "You do?"

S'pose Captin', we jest make a surkit reound through the rest of these hills, maybe we'll light on 'em agin". "Agreed", responded John. They skirted the enclosure, but without a chance for another shot.

She is very obligin', and would always curchy and smile, and say "Yes'm" whenever I asked her to do any thing. She always would, and always will, I s'pose, do jest what you tell her to, as near as she can; and she is thought a good deal of. Wall, she has liked Ury for some time that has been plain to see: she thought her eyes of him, and he of her.

"I s'pose there's what you call philosophy in that, but it doesn't hit me very favorable. We'll see what the cap thinks helloa!" Clearly and distinctly through the still air came the signal by which Captain Dawson was to announce his discovery of the animals.

"But you don't care about old Miss Webster," Jane observed with a laugh. "I never wished Miss Webster ill, goodness knows that," returned Eliza gravely. "None of us ever did 'cept Martin, an' he's got no business to. I s'pose he'd like nothin' better than to have her run across this thing. You don't s'pose there's any danger that she will, do you, Jane?" "Danger of her findin' it?" "No.

They tramped on through the woods through which McClellan's force had so painfully made their way during their first advance against Richmond. From time to time they could hear noises in the forest shouts, and once or twice the discharge of firearms. "Dey call dat hunting, I s'pose," Tony said scornfully. They kept steadily on until it began to grow dark in the forest.

"You sit quiet," urged the intensely interested Mr. Thompson. "He ain't said it's you. There's more than one misshaped man in the world, I s'pose?" "I see an ocean liner," said the seer, who had appeared to be in a trance state during this colloquy. "She is sailing for England from Australia. I see the name distinctly: the Marston Towers. The same man is on board of her.

You needn't to answer if you're afeared it'll incrimigate you, but I s'pose you took to it when a boy, pickin' pockets or suthin' like that, huh?" "Oh, cut it out, you old goat, and don't bother me!" snapped Bunch, just as I joined them.

No un felt like sayin' much, an' 'e 'ardly said nothin' till us gave un some tea an' loaf an' then 'e talked. I s'pose e was sort o' faint-like. Th' first thing 'e said was, how wonderfu' sorry 'e was o' gettin' into such a mess an' givin' we th' trouble o' comin' out for un.

Lem, paying no further attention to her offspring than to give the small shoulder another warning shake. "I s'pose he thinks age is goin' to steal on him before long, and he'd better be provided with some sure caretaker, and I can't deny 't would be a fine thing for Miss Marthy. I can just see them sharp eyes o' hers lookin' around here and takin' 'count o' stock.