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"No, the river disappeared. Only a pool of whirling water showed what had become of the river; but I suppose it is under ground, somewhere, and will come to the surface again in another part of the country." "Well," suggested Trot, as she finished her luncheon, "as there is no way to cross this river, I s'pose we'll have to find that waterfall, and go around it."

"I dunno," replied my late antagonist, trying vainly to hide the effects of my fists with the sleeve of his blue jumper. "S'pose I run agin summat a-comin' downstairs jest now!"

"I don't believe she took it, Alicia," he said; "either it's slipped behind something, or else somebody else got in and took it. It never was one of you four girls! I'm SURE it wasn't If I could be over there for an hour or so, I'll bet I could find it. I'm pretty good at such things. S'pose I go home with you after the show; may I?" "Oh, I wish you would!

Especially since he seems to be the only relative Bill had, except his wife." "What do ye s'pose ever possessed that old pole-cat to stake a placer claim jest there, 'stead o' somewhere else? The dirt won't pan color, will it?" asked Dad. "That's just what has bothered me, Dad.

"Wal, sir, I s'pose them fellers roped in every man in this town. I don't s'pose they got out with a cent less'n one thousand dollars. An' when the book come wal!" Here he stopped to roar. "I don't s'pose you ever see a madder lot o' men in your life. In the first place, they got the names and the pitchers mixed so that I was Judge Ricker, an' Judge Ricker was ol' man Daggett.

The car was raised on a foundation of ties, and as the two men entered, Wilson crept beneath. "No one here," said a gruff voice. "Say, do you s'pose he saw us, and sneaked?" "Like as not. I told you to keep to the rails and come straight up," chided the other. "Perhaps he will come back. We're in charge of the station anyway. That was the real thing." Wilson waited to hear no more.

"Where did you come from?" said Mr. Parlin, kissing a clean place on Dotty's black face, and laughing under his breath. "I came through the cellar window, papa." "Through the cellar window, child?" "Yes, papa; I didn't s'pose you'd care!" "Care! My dear, your mother is the one to care! Just look at your stockings!"

Then suddenly something happened. With a wild whoop, and an extra high jump, he lost his balance, and fell against the little gate. He was not hurt, but he was surprised, and, for a moment, sat absolutely still, while the hens, led by the big rooster, ran over him, and out into the field beyond. "I s'pose she'll say I let 'em out. I DID, an' I DIDN'T!" he said with a chuckle.

He hid his discouragement, however, and in response to Captain Eri's question concerning the progress of the matchmaking, said cheerfully: "Oh, it's comin' along, comin' along. Kind of slow, of course, but you can't expect nothin' diff'rent. I s'pose you noticed he was here four times last week?" "Why, no," said Captain Eri, "I don't know's I did."

Gunn's nephew, he said it might be the last time ever he'd hear Parson Croden, and he set in the seats anyway; so we talked it all over, and we got a young boy to come and set 'long of the cap'n till we got back. He hadn't offered to go anywhere of an afternoon for a long time. I s'pose he thought women ought to be stayers at home according to Scripture.