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An obliging hotel clerk clerks were always obliging to Miss Jeffries gave her the number and she slipped into the booth feeling a ridiculous amount of excitement and suspense. She had never telephoned in Cairo only been telephoned to and she was not prepared for the fact that the telephone company was French. At the phone girl's "Numero? Quel numero, s'il vous plait?"

It was so still and quiet every word the youth phrased was as clear as his fresh young voice. "Tiens it is Mathieu he is singing Les Oreillers!" cried Monsieur Paul, with an accent of pride in his own tone. The young voice sang on: "J'arrive en ce pays De Basse Normandie, Vous dire une chanson, S'il plait la compagnie!" "It is an old Norman bridal song," Monsieur Paul went on, lowering his voice.

"S'il est permis" says Delacroix, speaking of his Sardanapalus, "de comparer les petites choses aux grandes, ce fut mon Waterloo. Je devenais l'abomination de la peinture; il fallait me refuser l'eau et le sel." "If you wish to share the favors of the government," said an official to another artist, "you must change your manner."

Pray make my very best compliments to Lady C. and Lady J., and give my hearty love to Caroline; and as for the little Marmot, tell him that if he treats his sister with great attention I shall love him excessively, but s'il fait le fier, because he is a Viscount and a Howard, I shall give him several spanks upon his dernere.

I know much about them, but should be glad to be fully equipped. From the Duc d'Aumale Chantilly, 9 juin. Bon! tres cher ami, nous irons, s'il plait a Dieu, ensemble a Oxford, le 17, par 9.55 en cravate blanche. Je compte arriver le 14 au soir a Claridge's, ou je serai present le lundi, 15, de 10 a midi, et de 6 a 7; le mardi, 16, de 10 a midi.

Some of these questions will be quite difficult even for you." Well, the monument was not difficult to find, at all events. We accosted two or three small boys and demanded boldly of one of them, "Ou est le monument de Pestalozzi, s'il vous plait?" He shrugged his shoulders like an American small boy and said vacantly, "Je ne sais pas."

Effendi! Venez ici, s'il vous plait. Please come here." I could have been knocked flat by a blow of the smallest, cheapest ostrich feather in the hands of any street-merchant. For he came. Anthony came! Not to look meekly up from the pavement below the railing, but to ascend the steps of the terrace, and advance with grave dignity toward our table.

As early as 1849 he was reported to have said to a friend: "Quand je coup se fera je vous en previens, c'est moi qui le ferai."* Another of his mots has often been quoted and is most characteristic of the man: "S'il y a un coup de balai, je tacherai d'etre du cote du manche." * "Revue des Deux Mondes," 1865, vol. lvi, p. 501 et seq.

"I advise you to go in for it, Nick," said Peter Sherringham, to whom the preparation in question was presented. "Into the eggs with asparagus-tips? Donnez m'en s'il vous plaît. My dear fellow, how can I stand? how can I sit? Where's the money to come from?" "The money? Why from Jul !" Grace began, but immediately caught her mother's eye. "Poor Julia, how you do work her!" Nick exclaimed.

'Monseigneur! said a very handsome French cavalry officer who was in attendance. 'Ayez la bonte d'aligner ces montagnards la, ainsi que la cavalerie, s'il vous plait, et de les remettre a la marche. Vous parlez si bien l'Anglois, cela ne vous donneroit pas beaucoup de peine.