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'There is a short codicil, Dain added, 'which revokes the legacy of two hundred and fifty pounds to Mr. Ryley in case Mr. Myatt should survive the testatrix. It is dated some six months ago. 'Kindly read it, said Stanway coldly. 'With pleasure, the lawyer agreed, and he read it.

'You knew nothing of this Ryley business, did you? he murmured. 'Oh, no. Are you sure there's anything in it? I don't think there is for an instant. And she did not. Even the placing of Milly's hand on Fred Ryley's shoulder in full sight of the street, even this she regarded only as the pretty indiscretion of a child. 'Oh! there's nothing in it, she repeated.

Throwing his serviette on the disordered table, he pushed back his chair and stood up. 'You'll excuse me now, uncle, he said, bitterly polite, 'I must be off to the works. Ryley, I shall want you. And without another word he left the room and the house. Leonora was the last to go. Meshach would not allow her to stay after the tea-things were washed up.

The sole spark of romance in him had been fanned into a small steady flame by his passion for Ethel. Ryley was a man who could only love once for all. 'Did you find that private ledger for me out of the old safe? Stanway demanded. 'Yes, said Ryley, 'and I put it in your safe, at the front, and gave you the key back this morning. 'I don't see it there, Stanway retorted.

Stanway struck a bell with determination, and the manager appeared, a tall, thin, sandy-haired man of middle age, who wore a grey tailed-coat and a white apron. 'Ha! Mayer! That you? 'Yes, sir.... Good afternoon, miss. 'Good afternoon, Ethel simpered foolishly, and she had it in her to have slain both men because she felt such a silly schoolgirl. 'I wanted Ryley. Where is he?

And even after John had entered his home and had been carried upstairs, and the cab and the policeman had gone, and the doctor had gone, and Fred Ryley and Mr. Mayer, the works manager, had gone, a crowd still remained on the footpath, staring at the gravelled drive and at the front door, silent, patient, implacable.

It was the disclosure of the legacy of two hundred and fifty pounds to Fred Ryley, and of the recent conditional revocation of that legacy, which had galled her husband's sensibilities by bringing home to him what he had lost through Aunt Hannah's sudden death and through the senile whim of Uncle Meshach to alter his will.

She then told him, in the manner she thought best, of the relations between Ethel and Fred Ryley, and she pointed out to him that, if he had reflected at all upon the relations between Harry Burgess and Millicent, he would not have fallen into the error of connecting Milly, instead of her sister, with Fred. 'What relations between Milly and young Burgess? he questioned stolidly.