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But he was losing his bravado. Something began to dawn upon his obtuse consciousness. "What do I care for you or your gabby talk?" he flashed, sullenly. "You'll care when I tell these rustlers how you double-crossed them." Belllounds made a spring, like that of a wolf in a trap; but when half-way up he slipped. The rustler on his right kicked him, and he sprawled down again, back to the wall.

"'You can't have her, Dave answered. "'We'll shore take her, an' we want Silvermane, too, said Dene. "'So you're a horse-thief as well as a rustler? asked Dave. "'Naab, I ain't in any mind to fool. Snap wants the girl, an' I want Silvermane, an' that damned spy that come back to life.

Holderness stood foremost, his tall form leaning against the bar, his clear eyes shining like light on ice. "Do you know me?" asked Hare, curtly. Holderness started slightly. "I certainly don't," he replied. "You slapped my face once." Hare leaned close to the rancher. "Slap it now you rustler!"

He merely stated it. Blome, the rustler! I grew tight all over. Still, manifestly there was nothing for me to do but return his pleasantry. I really felt less uneasiness after he had made himself known to me. And without any awkwardness, I introduced him to the girls. He took off his sombrero and made gallant bows to both.

Colter manifestly had been long practiced in this game of hiding his trail, and he showed the skill of a rustler. But Ellen was not convinced that he could ever elude a real woodsman. Not improbably, however, Colter was only aiming to leave a trail difficult to follow and which would allow him and his confederates ample time to forge ahead of pursuers.

"Am I drunk that you grab me?" "Wal, y'u ain't drunk, I reckon," replied the rustler, with sarcasm. "But y'u're shore some things I'll reserve for your private ear." Jorth gained a semblance of composure. But it was evident that he labored under a shock. "Ellen, did Jean Isbel see this black horse?" "Yes. He asked me how I got Spades an' I told him." "Did he say Spades belonged to him?"

Where he had been sick at the letting of blood, now he remembered it in grim, cold calm. And as he lost that softness of nature, so he lost his fear of men. He would watch for Oldring, biding his time, and he would kill this great black-bearded rustler who had held a girl in bondage, who had used her to his infamous ends.

Sampson sends word he's quit he's done he's through. The jig is up, and he means to hit the road out of Linrock." "Bill'll kill him surer 'n hell," muttered the rustler. "But we all said it'd come to thet. An' what'd Wright say?" "Wright! Why, he's cashed in. Didn't you-all hear? Reckon Sampson shot him." The rustler cursed his amaze and swung his rigid arm with fist clenched tight.

"To let me marry a rustler one of the Hash Knife Gang!" exclaimed Ellen, with weary incredulity. "Wal, your dad belonged to Daggs's gang, same as I do," replied Colter, recovering his cool ardor. "No!" cried Ellen. "Yes, he shore did, for years," declared Colter, positively. "Back in Texas. An' it was your dad that got Daggs to come to Arizona." Ellen tried to fling herself away.

Then off they drove to dinner somewhere and left me a prisoner there, where I sat listening to the bells of All Saints as the house gradually grew dark. And ever since then bells at evening have made me feel lonely and left me unhappy. But the renaissance of the buckboard means that spring is here again. And for my Dinky-Dunk that means harder work. He's what they call a "rustler" out here.