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Whether they found the watch, whose mysterious tick at once awed and delighted them, and restored it to its place of state in the chief's lodge, or whether it still lies rusting in the sands by the sea-shore, is a problem unsolved. The boat at last grounded on the northern shore of the island. Mr.

The mind cannot conceive Gordon rusting out; and the man lived so much in the presence of God that death was a welcome visitor. "Like Lawrence," he wrote, "I have tried to do my duty"; and England confessed that right nobly he had done it.

Ormond having never before entered a cabin with a search-warrant, constable, or with the military, he was "not up to the thing" as both the serjeant and constable remarked to each other. And the child of another eloquent matron was running off with a pair of silver-mounted pistols taken from the wreck, which he was instructed to hide in a bog-hole, snug the bog-water never rusting.

Swan Carlson appeared to be a man who got along with very few tools. Mackenzie could not find a cold-chisel among the few broken and rusted odds and ends in the barn, although there was an anvil, such as every rancher in that country had, fastened to a stump in the yard, a hammer rusting beside it on the block.

Later, at Winchester House, Southwark, where he remained in honourable confinement for two years, he was busy with writing and experimenting to preserve him from "a languishing and rusting leisure."

Nothing can possibly exist at its best which is not used for the purpose to which it owes its existence. That is why we have this flood of literature just now telling us of the gross abuses and general rottenness of the German army. Another five years of idleness, and Germany's position as the first military nation will have passed away. Like every other great power, it is rusting for want of use.

"Some of them looked as old as the Rocky Mountains, and I don't see why they shouldn't live forever, doing nothing but sun themselves." "I'd rather live a little shorter time, and live a little harder, while I'm about it," said Polly. "I think I prefer wearing out to rusting out." It was late in the afternoon when they reached the town once more, and drove up the street to Polly's house. Mrs.

Then, having hidden the ladder among the hay, we went forth from the barn into the sunshine together. A broad, white road led between grassy banks topped by hedgerows and trees whose wide-flung, rusting leafage cast a pleasant shade, while high in the sunny air a lark carolled faint and sweet against the blue.

Eugenie, the Beautiful, had ruled the world by her grace, and fled from the throne of the haughty Louis to a loveless exile while the old gun, with its charge rusting in its mouth, lay in silence under the passing keels of a million craft. Still more ancient is a venerable postern in the blackened wall of the Seminary of St.

If I was able to rest so long without rusting, it was, I am sure, because I had been thoroughly trained in the technique of acting long before I reached my twentieth year an age at which most students are just beginning to wrestle with elementary principles. Of course, I did not argue in this way at the time! As I have said, I had no intention of ever acting again when I left the Queen's Theater.