United States or Mongolia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

About half-way down the avenue we heard a few cries of "Vive la Russie," and then came a burst of cheers. Our dinner was rather pleasant that evening. We had the Préfet, M. Sebline; Senator of the Aisne, Jusserand, present Ambassador to Washington; Mme. Thénard, of the Comédie Française, and several young people.

"You will let me return in a moment to escort you to the camp." "Thank you." "Will you permit me my name is De Trevignac." "And mine is Madame Androvsky." "Russian!" the officer said. "The alliance in the desert! Vive la Russie!" She laughed. "That is for my husband, for I am English." "Vive l'Angleterre!" he said.

The crew voted as a man to land and winter on this coast. Little did they know that vote was their own death warrant. See Life of Peter the Great, by Orlando Williams, 1859; Peter the Great, by John Lothrop Motley, 1877; History of Peter I, by John Mottley, 1740; Journal of Peter the Great, 1698; Voltaire's Pierre le Grand; Ségur's Histoire de Russie et de Pierre le Grand.

La proposition de la Russie fut jugée par l'Allemagne inacceptable pour l'Autriche-Hongrie. Simultanément on reçut

We had heard that it was an expensive city, and so indeed we found it, for with all our efforts to be economical our bill at the Hotel de Russie was astonishingly high; nor were we alone in this experience, our fellow-travellers averring that it was quite necessary "to cut down your hotel bill, and not to pay quite all that was demanded, as you were always overcharged," and we all remembered what the "Innocents Abroad" had to say on the subject.