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Sylvia made a bolt for the bedroom, and, casting herself on Rupert's bed, rolled her head in a blanket, and, stuffing her fingers in her ears, remained quaking and shivering until there was a determined clutch on the blanket, and Ducky squealed in her ears: "Sylvia, Sylvia, Mr. Wallis has come to take Rockefeller and the wagon home; only Rocky isn't here to be took, and he that is, Mr.

A controversial religious tract rejoices in the title of A fresh bit of Mutton for those fleshy-minded Cannibals that cannot endure Pottage. A political skit upon Prince Rupert is styled An exact Description of Prince Rupert's malignant She-Monkey, a great Delinquent, and has a comical woodcut upon the title page of the animal, in a cap and petticoat and with a sword by its side.

And they held the furious Carfax to his word, and the story spread and spread until it came to the ears of Prince Rupert. "Then he went to see Dame Littimer, and from his own hand he drew what is known in our family as Prince Rupert's ring.

I had taken occasion to let it be known that Rupert's great-grandfather had been a man-of-war captain; but the suggestion was met by a flat, refusal to believe it from Mr. Kite, the second-mate, though Mr. Marble remarked it might be so, as I admitted that both his father and grandfather had been, or were, in the Church.

Everything is quite ready there is always somebody here I always put people up I love having the house crowded. 'But there are only two rooms, said the Pussum, in a cold, hostile voice, 'now Rupert's here. 'I know there are only two rooms, said Halliday, in his odd, high way of speaking. 'But what does that matter?

Of most of them, however, I have but little to say, for they are still alive, scattered far and wide throughout the vast wilderness of Rupert's Land, each acting his busy part in a new scene; for it is frequently the fate of those who enter this wild and stirring service to be associated for a brief season under one roof, and then broken up and scattered over the land, never again to be reunited.

Sapt laid his hand on my arm. I looked up in his face. And I laid her softly on the ground, and stood up, looking on her, cursing heaven that young Rupert's sword had spared me for this sharper pang. If love were all! It was night, and I was in the cell wherein the King had lain in the Castle of Zenda.

We put the Scotch terrier in instead; but when one end of the litter gave way and he fell out, we were not sorry that the emergency was a fancy one, and that no broken limbs were really dependent upon our well-meant efforts. There was one thing about Rupert's lectures which disappointed me. His emergencies were all things that happened in the daytime.

"Surely you have been misinformed." "I have spoken the truth," replied Edward; "and have now said so much that I must, to remove your suspicion, say more than perhaps I should have done. My name is not Armitage, although I have been so called for some time. You have set me the example of confidence, and I will follow it. My father was Colonel Beverley, of Prince Rupert's troop."

"He was telling it to me; that is, we were telling it to each other making it up as we went along. So there!" "Oh!" says Mr. Ellins. "And the Captain happened to overhear, did he?" "Happened!" says I. "Like you happen to climb a fire-escape. That's Rupert's long suit overhearin' things. He's been favorin' us a lot lately." "What about that, Killam?" asks Mr. Ellins.