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I want you to keep an eye particularly on the movements of the French. 'Tis reported that they are in league with Sirajuddaula: find out whether that's the case: and gad, sir, if it is, I'll not be satisfied till I've turned 'em neck and crop out of Bengal. You'll want money: here are five thousand rupees; if you want more, ask Major Killpatrick. Now, when can you start?"

It was a well-built house, and inside we found some thirty sacks of caraway seeds, the stuff they put in what are called "wholesome cakes for children." The Pioneer native officers told us that each sack was worth at least one hundred rupees in Peshawur, but we would gladly have exchanged the whole amount for half the amount of flour.

I suppose it was about that time that Surji Rao began to consider whether it was after all for the best interests of the State that ee-Wobbis should remain in it. Surji Rao was first Minister to the Maharajah, and a very important person. He had charge of the Treasury, and it was his business to produce every day one hundred fresh rupees to put into it.

Sayid Raza Khan, on whose authority this shocking statement rests, was the resident representative of the British Minister at Lucknow, and was the channel through which the aged Emperor received from the British Government a monthly allowance of 2,000 rupees.

'He came by a bazar-rumour and made profit of it. His father laughed. 'At least he did not ride to me begging for a new charger, and the Gods know how many rupees. Are thy brothers' regiments also under orders? 'I do not know. I took leave and came swiftly to thee in case 'In case they ran before thee to beg. O gamblers and spendthrifts all! But thou hast never yet ridden in a charge.

You are glad to get back to your carriage, so thankful that you throw a couple of rupees to the mob of appealing "priests," in your heart possibly wishing that the money might be invested in soap and scrubbing brushes and in poison for the monkeys.

According to the most sanguine estimate we can hardly suppose that these would number more than forty millions of the population. 2nd. The well-to-do middle classes, earning twenty rupees and upwards, numbering say seventy millions. 3rd. The fairly well off laboring classes, whose wages are from five rupees and upwards, numbering say at the most one hundred millions.

The community has calculated and informed him that it will cost one hundred and twenty-three rupees. "How absurd!" I cried, highly indignant. "Don't submit to this, Panchu. What can they do to you?" Raising to me his patient eyes like those of a tired-out beast of burden, he said: "There is my eldest girl, sir, she will have to be married. And my poor wife's last rites have to be put through."

It is now, throughout the numerous plantations in Mysore, from six to seven rupees a month, and a labourer can live on about two rupees a month.

I give spurnings to them all for fools, knaves, or hypocrites. Ha! "Well, to return to the sheep, as the European proverb has it. I was born here in Gungapur, which will also have honour of being my death-and-cremation place, of poor but honest parent on thirty rupees a mensem.