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But not knowing any more about it than I do, I think this woman's rumpus all sounds kinder like a hen scratching around in unlikely and contrary corners for the bread of life, when she knows they is plenty of crumbs at the kitchen door to be et up.

If he goes as he came, why I'm wrong perhaps. If there's a rumpus, I may have her little feet in the right sort of a trap, and so save you labor, and the rest of us money. If anything happens, Curran, leave the situation to me. I'm anxious for a close acquaintance with Sister Claire." Curran sat as comfortably, to the eye, as if in his own house entertaining his friend Dillon.

Then the two of 'em begun talking to each other, Hart speaking sarcastic and Shorty real ugly, and so things went on getting hotter and hotter till Kerosene, doing it like she meant to break up the rumpus, shoved Hart's arm round her and started to swing away. Just as they got a-going, Shorty out with his gun and loosed off at Hart with it and down Hart went in a heap on the floor.

Robert demanded. "You would have had hysterics and all that." "We heard of it quick enough through the newspapers," said Jack. "Come, give us your own version of the rumpus." "Well, the truth is," and the prodigal told them his tale. "Why, you are a hero!" cried Mrs. Jack, clasping her hands. "Hero nothing," sniffed the elder brother.

"King suggested our getting some small posters printed in blue with just the figures ''05' on them, and pasting one on every soph's window," said Paul, "but Livingston wouldn't hear of it. I think it would be a good game, eh?" "Faculty'd kick up no end of a rumpus," said South. "I haven't heard that they are doing much about these things," answered Paul.

And he made the hell of a rumpus, and sent away Kit to prison in a twinky; and I believe he would have been hanged: for when two squires lay their heads together, they do not much matter law, you know; or else they twist the law to their own ends, I cannot exactly say which; but it is much at one when the poor fellow's breath is out of his body."

"Lordy, but this will raise a rumpus," groaned the landlord. "We'll have detectives an' " "I guess they got what was comin' to 'em," said another of the men. "What's that? Why, they was ridin' peaceful as could be to Spanish Falls. What do you mean by sayin' that, Jim Conley? But wait a minute! How does it happen that they were up near your dad's house? That certainly ain't on the road to Span "

In the midst of the rumpus who should ride up but Mont Sterry, as he had heard the firing, and the way he sailed in was beautiful to behold. It reminded me of the times down in Arizona when Geronimo made it so lively. He hadn't much chance to show what he could do, for the rustlers found they had bitten off more than they could chaw, and they skyugled after he had dropped one."

"Why, we my father and I once enrolled in four divisions under four different names.... And what a rumpus was raised! What a row we had with the marchionesses!" "And what did you want with all those sheets," Manuel asked him. "Why! Sell 'em, of course. They re sold here at the very gate at two chules apiece." "I'm going to buy one," said a coachman from a nearby hackstand, approaching the group.

I found myself planning what I would do when I got to the front trenches if we ever did. There would be a grand rumpus, and I would click a dozen or more. And then we arrived. I don't suppose that trip across No Man's Land behind the tanks took over five minutes, but it seemed like an hour. At the end of it my participation in the battle of High Wood ended. No, I wasn't wounded.