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Because, for reasons of my own, I had forsworn matrimony, as I then thought, for all time. But Madame Grundy has lately revived this scandal, making a lash for my back with it for the hands of Dame Rumour. I have determined to stamp it out at once, and for ever! And now to pull down the bulwarks of Major Delrose."

His startled looks, his nervous manner, and his perpetual restlessness, confirmed wherever he went the rumour of his madness; and, even if he were not mad, the object of Alfonso of Este's anger might be a dangerous associate.

Immediately after their early breakfast the next morning, he led his son to a chamber in the roof, of the very existence of which he had been ignorant, and there discovered to him good store of such armour of both kinds as was then in use, which for some years past he had been quietly collecting in view of the time which, in the light of the last rumour, seemed to have at length arrived when strength would have to decide the antagonism of opposed claims.

But he was thinking, at the moment, of the closed-up room; of the possibility of their knocking at the door on some special occasion; of their being alarmed at receiving no answer; of their bursting it open; of their finding the room empty; of their fastening the door into the court, and rendering it impossible for him to get into the house without showing himself in the garb he wore, which would lead to rumour, rumour to detection, detection to death.

"David!" exclaimed Hugh. "Then thanks be to God, for know, we thought you dead these many days." "Ay, sir," answered the young man, "as I thought you. The rumour reached the Jews, among whom I have been hiding while I recovered of my hurts, that the Mad Monk and his fellows had stormed the tower and killed you both. Therefore I crept out to learn for myself.

True, this might mean only that she felt herself out of her element, just as he did but to him, really it did not matter what she felt. A year ago why, yes, even a fortnight ago the golden rumour of millions would have shone round her auburn hair in his eyes like a halo. But all that was changed.

Gold had poured into the treasury of the great marble palace in a constant stream until its deposits had reached the unprecedented sum of $90,000,000, a sum greater than the royal bank itself could boast. When the king heard the first rumour of the fact that the Van Dam Trust was backing the schemes of the Allied Bankers in their sensational raid on the market his big nostrils suddenly dilated.

So goes rumour with the more romantic of the Celtic tale-bearers. It is a huge place huge, ungainly, and uselessly extensive; built at a time when, at any rate in Ireland, men considered neither beauty, aptitude, nor economy. It is three stories high, and stands round a quadrangle, in which there are two entrances opposite to each other.

The general rumour told him confusedly the tale of the events that had just occurred. Gottlob was soon again by his side, and related to him all that he had heard. "Where is my brother?" cried the bishop. "Is he not here?" A few words told him that he had not appeared on this occasion. "I will to the palace, then," he continued.

Immediate rumour, like subsequent history, gave variously the number- -the number of thousands who perished. The great Huguenot leader was dead, one party at least, the royal party, safe for the moment and in high spirits.