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There is a certain amount of formality about precedence in all English stations, and if one could only dispense with it society would be twice as charming and attractive. I do not mean of course the formality of etiquette and good-breeding, but of all those silly little conventions and rules which arise for the most part from unimportant people trying to make themselves of importance.

Her hair was her strongest point, and she looked for the time being almost pretty. "What do you want, Aneta?" she said. "To speak to you, Maggie." "But it's against the rules," said Maggie, drawling out her words a little, and giving Aneta a defiant glance. "No," said Aneta. "I asked for permission to come and see you, and I have obtained it." "Well, sit down, won't you?" said Maggie.

The reason of these differences probably lies in the fact that before Howard's time nobody had ever taken the trouble to visit the prisons or to see if the rules were carried out. If, as sometimes happened, the doctor and gaoler were kind-hearted men, anxious to do their duty, then the prisoners were tolerably well cared for.

But, again, to do so she must not employ obsolete methods without taking into account the spirit of the age which has aroused a sense of personal liberty in the youngest child, and makes it refuse to accept rules and regulations on trust.

The rules I lay down are for those farmers who wish to keep chickens for profit, but do not care to devote any larger share of their time and study to them than they do to the cows, hogs, orchard or garden. The advice herein given in this chapter will differ from much of the advice given to farmers by poultry writers.

When the closure is proposed, there is but one way of expressing emotion. Under the rules of the House, the motion must be put without debate.

She should be admitted to the same employments as men in society, and under the same conditions of capacity and education, but in family life the same rules should apply as in every other enterprise; division of labour according to the competence of each; recognition of a leader according to the competence of each. This is the law which women are constantly led to misunderstand in a democracy.

It was against rules to go beyond the boundary of the grounds without permission; yet after wandering through them for a while, she did so, and entering a shady, pleasant road, walked on without any settled purpose, till she reached a neighboring plantation where lived some little girls with whom she had a slight acquaintance.

"Sure, they'd never find out," said one. "An' see, his game leg's most as good as new again," suggested another. It was an unheard-of, audacious, and preposterous proceeding; one which the rules and regulations of the Fire Department, many and varied as they are, never anticipated. But it was adopted.

But I notice that there are in the poetical works of ancient writers both those which accord with the rules, as well as those whose second, fourth and sixth lines are not in compliance with any rule. Hence it is that my mind has daily been full of doubts.