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We ought to be grateful to Millicent for letting us come, and though Arthur hinted that it would be a rather sociable honeymoon, I said that was a safeguard. One's illusions might get sooner shattered in a more conventional one." She stooped and ruffled her husband's hair. "Still, he hasn't deteriorated very much on closer acquaintance, and perhaps I'm fortunate in this."

Melton politely, at a loss to understand the interruption. "I didn't at first know what you meant," Amelius explained. "You put it, if you will forgive me for saying so, in rather a roundabout way. If you are alluding, all this time, to Mrs. Farnaby's death, I must honestly tell you that I know of it already." The bland self-possession of Mr. Melton's face began to show signs of being ruffled.

Is it wonderful that such a man, supposed by those who did not know him to be cold, stern, and dry, should have been enthusiastically beloved by those who did? It is little to say, that my own friendship with him was, from first to last, never once ruffled by difference or misunderstanding of any kind.

Maybe it's to try Philip he's sent there; happen it may be a fiery furnace to him; for I've heerd tell it's full o' temptations, and he may fall into sin and then where'd be the "luck" on it? But why art ta going? and the morning, say'st thou? Why, thy best shirt is in t' suds, and no time for t' starch and iron it. Whatten the great haste as should take thee to Lunnon wi'out thy ruffled shirt?

Do I look as if I know'd 'em, does the caravan look as if it know'd 'em? 'No, ma'am, no, said the child, fearing she had committed some grievous fault. 'I beg your pardon. It was granted immediately, though the lady still appeared much ruffled and discomposed by the degrading supposition.

All hair and teeth. I cannot understand women coddling those little messes of snarling, smelly wool." Ethel came indignantly into the room soothing the excited and ruffled "Pet." She was flushed and very angry. How dare that brat let her mongrel touch the aristocratic poodle? A moment later Peg entered with the victorious "Michael" cradled in her arms.

I beg to recommend this exceedingly effective plan to any of my lady readers whose night's rest is troubled by a teething child doubtless the husband's bite would have an equally good effect, but the poor baby's ears might suffer from a combination of a strong jaw and a ruffled temper.

"Not to me but it seems you've taken it so." "You never told me " began the publisher in a ruffled tone. "No, I never told you," said the Professor. Harviss sat staring at the manuscript between them. "I don't pretend to be up in such recondite forms of humour," he said, still stiffly. "Of course you address yourself to a very small class of readers."

Now it was blue and ruffled, now black and calm, now slate-gray, a mysterious shade this last, so that when the fog began to shoot lances across the waters, these fleets at anchor by Quarantine wharf seemed argosies of fairy adventure. Even Tamalpais, the gentle mountain which rose beyond everything, changed ever with the change in her veil of mist or fog or rain-rift.

There on the pavement these inexpert children of a pacific age, untrained in arms and uninured to violence, abandoned themselves to amateurish and absurd efforts to hurt and injure one another of which the most palpable consequences were dusty backs, ruffled hair and torn and twisted collars. Mr. Polly, by accident, got his finger into Mr.