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As I struggled to get free I saw that the window was opened and the rope thrown out. Then the window was quickly shut, and I was dragged towards the door. "Here, you be off outer this," whispered the great ruffian, with his lips close to my ear. "You cut; and don't you "

What did happen, according to Sir Simonds d'Ewes, was that the hangman, a coarse ruffian with a distorted sense of humour, dressed himself in bands and cuffs of yellow colour, but no one heeded his ribaldry; only in after days none of either sex used the yellow starch, and the fashion grew generally to be detested.

Kidd, of all men in the universe! Kidd, the pirate, the ruffian " "Don't take on so, my dear Sir Walter," said Socrates, cheerfully. "What's the use of going into hysterics? You are not a woman, and should eschew that luxury.

"And if I succeed in doing anything with Mr. Darrell, or discovering your daughter, you will give up all such letters and documents of mine as you say you possess?" "'Say I possess! I have shown them to you in this pocket-book, Dolly Poole your own proposition to rob old Latham's safe." Poole eyed the book, which the ruffian took out and tapped.

But does the signore return to Italy in the spring?" "I don't know, Giovanni, I don't know. But what's on your mind?" "Nothing new, signore," with eyes cast down to hide the returning lights. "You are a bloodthirsty ruffian!" said Hillard shortly. "Will time never soften the murder in your heart?" "I am as the good God made me. I have seen through blood, and time can not change that.

How strange we two we enemies but this is the end. Tell me about her." "I took her from a ruffian who had nearly murdered her and the child," said the hoarse voice after a pause. "She was happy in spite of the drink, in spite of everything she would have been happy, till she died. To think of her alone is too cruel. If people turned their backs on her, I made up."

Her chair had been stopped by a highway-man: the great oaf of a servant-man had fallen down on his knees armed as he was; and though there were thirty people in the next field working when the ruffian attacked her, not one of them would help her; but, on the contrary, wished the Captain, as they called the highwayman, good luck.

The Shelleys were suddenly driven away from Tanyrallt by a mysterious occurrence, of which no satisfactory explanation has yet been given. According to letters written by himself and Harriet soon after the event, and confirmed by the testimony of Eliza, Shelley was twice attacked upon the night of February 24 by an armed ruffian, with whom he struggled in hand-to-hand combat.

"What's his name?" interrupted the guide. "Tatem, he said." "Feller with a wooden leg?" demanded Joe. "Yes." "That's Peg Tatem, the biggest ruffian of 'em all. He'd brain ye with a peavey if you give him any back talk. I've always thought that Peg knew the devils who killed my man. Oh, I hope the time comes when I get a chance to set Henry on him. Henry'd make toothpicks of that peg-leg.

"Let's pound and kick with all our might," suggested Clay. "The door can't hold out forever." Before any one could reply a heavy tread was heard, and looking through the crevice Ned made the startling announcement that the ruffian had returned. The boys hardly knew whether to be glad or sorry at this piece of news. They feared a greater misfortune than the loss of all their property.