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When the last moment came, she raised herself on the pallet, and extended her arms in the form of the cross. Her face shone with a bright and ruddy colour, and her eyes were dazzling with a supernatural light; and so, without any other death-struggle than a gentle sigh, she expired, at the age of eighty years.

Their colour was equal to that of the finest Italian paintings; being of the clearest olive, and yet ruddy with a glow of perfect health. Their expression was divine; and as they glanced at me timidly but with parted lips in great bewilderment, I forgot all thoughts of their conversion in feelings that were far more earthly.

Baleinier was about fifty years of age, middling size, rather plump, with a full shining, ruddy countenance. His gray hair, very smooth and rather long, parted by a straight line in the middle, fell flat over his temples.

He laughed mockingly. "Why, 'of course, And what does a ball gown cost perhaps?" There was a cynical kind of humour in his eye. "Anything from fifty to a hundred and fifty maybe," she replied, with a little burst of merriment. "And how much did you get for the garments you had worn twice, and then seen them suddenly grow aged in their extreme youth?" "Ruddy, do not be nasty or scornful.

The readers who had shaken their heads over the unsuccessful story of "Morton's Hope" were startled by the appearance of this manly and scholarly essay. This young man, it seemed, had been studying, studying with careful accuracy, with broad purpose. He could paint a character with the ruddy life-blood coloring it as warmly as it glows in the cheeks of one of Van der Helst's burgomasters.

And the spirit of murder, terrible past any demon of the Pit, came stalking from the savage forest into the ruddy firelight. Ray leered, his muscles bunching. "And I say to you, you're a dirty traitor too," he answered. "She ain't your daughter any more. She's Ben Darby's squaw. She's not fit for a white man to touch any more, for all her lies. You say one word and you'll get it too."

Ultimately Oblivion came to their rescue, and the young hunters fell into a dreamless slumber, with the smoking camp-fire sending an occasional gleam of ruddy light on their recumbent forms, and the dark sky with its hosts of twinkling stars serving for a gorgeous canopy.

"Look look!" came in a low murmur, and my heart sank, for it seemed so piteous to see the bright glare rising over the forest, as the poor house over which so much pains had been taken seemed, in spite of the distance, to be sending up wreath after wreath of golden smoke, while for a short time there was a ruddy light spreading high up into the sky.

The warm, ruddy light of a summer's sun, subdued by the gorgeously colored panes of the magnificent oriel windows above the altar, fell softly, yet brightly, on the richly dressed groups that composed the bridal party.

Ruddy comes out showin' his big teeth and laughin. He closes the door behind him. 'Come for that twenty, Lou? says he. 'Sure, says I. He thinks a minute, then he laughs and turns and flings open the door. 'Come in, he says. I goes in. 'Hallo! says he, like he was awful surprised. 'Here's a friend of yours, Lou. Well, I never! I sees Jenny sittin' in a corner, tied hand and foot.