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Ruck continued, "I stepped in at the banker's to see if there wasn't something, and they handed me out a Herald." "I hope the Herald is full of good news," I said. "Can't say it is. D-d bad news." "Political," I inquired, "or commercial?" "Oh, hang politics! It's business, sir. There ain't any business. It's all gone to," and Mr. Ruck became profane. "Nine failures in one day.

Ruck, who had no sense whatever of humour, looked at her daughter and at me. "Well, I hope you'll improve," she said. "Send in the bills," Mr. Ruck went on, rising to his feet. "Don't hesitate, Sophy. I don't care what you do now. In for a penny, in for a pound." Miss Ruck joined her mother, with a little toss of her head, and we followed the ladies to the carriage.

Fortunately just about then the sled on which the boys and old Andy fought, came through the ruck of the struggle. Andy hacked with a hatchet the paws from the last Kodiak that tried to seize the sled, and the two boys continued to pour bullets into the howling, roaring pack. They took Phineas aboard the slowly moving sled and so reached the professor and Wash.

Happily I kept hold of the web, for the great elk then turned back, passing between me and the ruck of stuff and getting thereby the silk under his chin, and as I came gasping to the top once more round came that dainty wreckage over his back, and I clutched it, and sooner than it takes to tell I was towing to the shore as perhaps no one was ever towed before.

"How do you s'pose you'll ever find Si in all that ruck o' men?" said Mrs. Klegg doubtfully. "O, they all know Si by this time," returned the father confidently. "Besides, he's an officer now. I'll go right to Gen. Rosecrans's Headquarters. He's probably right near him, where he kin have him at any time. But don't write to Si that I'm comin'. I want to surprise him."

They can't go any faster than the ruck of their scholars, and I can set a faster pace for myself than they set for a whole schoolroom." "'He travels the fastest who travels alone," she quoted at him.

They waited for a leader a man who had led them through the heat and cold, through peaceful valleys and the bloody ruck of battle; a man whom they loved and trusted, fearing him only when they shirked a duty or disobeyed the iron laws of war. This man had been taken from them, himself a servant who had disobeyed these laws, his sword dishonored, his shoulder straps ripped off before their eyes.

May our Lord have you in his Holy keeping. "Done in Seville, February 5. "Your father who loves you more than himself. This letter has a significance which raises it out of the ruck of this complaining correspondence.

But poetry do you know how Vaughn Marlow makes his living? teaching in a boys' cramming-joint down in Pennsylvania, and of all private little hells such a billet is the limit. I wouldn't trade places with him if he had fifty years of life before him. And yet his work stands out from the ruck of the contemporary versifiers as a balas ruby among carrots. And the reviews he gets!

But such men! I know my East Side and my East End, and I am accustomed to the faces of all the ruck of races, yet with these three men I was at fault. The Mediterranean had surely never bred such a breed; nor had Scandinavia. They were not blonds. They were not brunettes. Nor were they of the Brown, or Black, or Yellow. Their skin was white under a bronze of weather.