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Their partisans chiefs, half-soldier, half-robber, did us more harm than the regulars, and mercy was never given or asked between them and us. Me and Rube Pearson worked mostly together. We had 'fit' the Indians out on the prairies for years side by side, and when Uncle Sam wanted men to lick the Mexicans, we concluded to go in together.

Some of the Chicago players were on the field tossing and batting balls; the Rube, however, had not yet appeared. A moment later a metallic sound was heard on the stairs leading up into the box. I knew it for baseball spiked shoes clanking on the wood. The Rube, looking enormous in his uniform, stalked into the box, knocking over two chairs as he entered.

"I'm glad you never commit such an outrageous mistake, Gid," said Kiddie, helping himself to preserved peaches with the spoon especially provided for them. Rube had just used his own spoon for the same purpose. "An' thar's another thing your manners at table," went on Gideon.

As Rube suggested, they seemed to be aware that the shot had come from a revolver. Doubtless some of the survivors of the late fight had informed them of the fearful havoc that had been made among them with our pistols, and they dreaded to face them. What other plan would they adopt? Starve us out? "They mout," said Rube, in answer to my question, "an' kin if they try.

Among them were El Sol and Garey, Rube, and the bull-fighter Sanchez. Seguin and I were of the number. Most of the trappers, with a few Delaware Indians, completed the complement. The twenty were soon selected; and, stepping out on the open ground, as the Navajoes had done, we piled our rifles in the presence of the enemy. Our captives were then mounted and made ready for starting.

Guesses he'd like to see Rosebud, an' ask a few questions." "Seth!" Ma had risen, and somehow her chair overturned behind her. Her exclamation was a gasp. Rube stared; he had no words just then. Rosebud continued to caress the dog, who whined his pleasure at the unusual attention. At last she turned. For an instant her eyes met Seth's. "May I read that letter, Seth?" she asked quietly. "Sure."

Just have Sam here, or any of your three, slide in and spike him from the palm. That'll be good night for Mr. Rube. You can't lose, and the audience'll laugh its fool head off. "Now for the climax! Watch! This always brings the house down. Get busy you two! Sam! Ready!"

The crowd yelled its disapproval and Umpire Bates called out sharply: "Spears, get back to the bag!" "Now, Mister Umpire, ain't I hurrin' all I can?" queried Spears as he leisurely ambled back to first. The Rube tossed a long, damp welt of hair back from his big brow and nervously toed the rubber.

Funny sort of a stunt, wasn't it having him come up out of the audience that way?" "It didn't seem strange to me, Brent. You're probably too literal." "There isn't such a tremendous scope for the poetic, when a rube wiggles out of his clothes right in the pulpit, you might say!" "Audience and pulpit," she gaily cried. "What a born churchman you are!

"Hey, Rube!" he howled lustily, this being the signal known to circus men the world over, when one or more of them is in trouble. But there were no strong-armed circus men to come to their rescue. All the circus laborers were working off on the lot striking the tents and loading the show on the wagons. Teddy was given no further opportunity to protest.