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And now, gentle people, observe the leader of the orchestra fumbling with his music. There is a faint stir among the musicians under the footlights. And you, too, are getting restless; you are feeling for your hat instinctively, and you for your hat-pins, and you for your rubbers, while Neal Ward stands there waiting, and the great clock ticks in the long silence.

I won three rubbers out of four, finished what cigarettes McKnight had left me, and went to bed at one o'clock. It was growing cooler, and the rain had ceased. Once, toward morning, I wakened with a start, for no apparent reason, and sat bolt upright. I had an uneasy feeling that some one had been looking at me, the same sensation I had experienced earlier in the evening at the window.

There was more much more but at this point Warble rose, made a comprehensive, all-embracing and very outspoken face at them and went down to the pantry. "It's no use " she groaned, "perpetual waste motion and now waste color! What to do what to do! "Yet I must reform them somehow. That Iva Payne! Like a pure, pale lily but I bet her soul has got its rubbers on!

He was one of those youths who never gave their parents a moment's uneasiness; who never had to have their wills broken, and never forget to put on their rubbers or take an umbrella. In boyhood he was intended for a missionary.

Lotty had come for hers, and when the bundle was in her arms she hugged it close, and put up her little face to kiss Grover so prettily, I felt that I wanted to do something too. So I hunted up Min's old waterproof and rubbers, and a hood, and sent Lotty home as happy as a queen, promising to go and see her. I did go, and there was my work all ready for me.

She put an her tweed coat and rubber overshoes, considering how honest and hopeless are rubbers, how clearly their chaperonage proved that she wasn't going to a lovers' tryst. She found him in the shadow of the grain-elevator, sulkily kicking at a rail of the side-track. As she came toward him she fancied that his whole body expanded.

While Fanny was adjusting the veil, Jimmie re-entered with the rubbers and put them on. Stafford picked up the fur coat. "Now for the coat," he said. Putting his hand in his waistcoat pocket, he added with a significant smile: "By the way, I've something else for you. It's from Tiffany's." Virginia made a gesture of protest. "Oh, Robert, didn't I tell you that " "Wait! Wait!" he laughed.

As Jack bent over it he saw the marks of diagonal criss-crossing such as is found in the soles of rubbers. "The print is a fresh one. Either Millard wore rubbers away, or some woman has been here who wore them," Jack concluded. Dropping his cudgel, since he would have no use for it, Benson made his way down the alley to the street beyond.

At the door of the dressing-room a strong odor of witch-hazel and liniment met him. He squeezed his way past a group of coaches and looked about him. Confusion reigned supreme. Rubbers and trainer were hard at work. Simson's voice, commanding, threatening, was raised above all others, a shrill, imperious note in a rising and falling babel of sound.

I've learned decalcomania, and after I take up lustre painting I shall have it simply stiff with drapes and tidies and placques and sofa pillows, and make mother let me have a fire, and receive my friends there evenings. May I dry my feet at your register? I can't bear to wear rubbers unless the mud or the slush is simply knee-deep, they make your feet look so awfully big.