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Having laid aside ambition on her own account, she flung in this remark as an apple of discord. "Jenifer Hosken has a chance. He's fair-skinned hissel', an' Lizzie's too near his own colour. Black's mate is white, as they say." "There's Sue Tregraine. She'll have more money than either, when her father dies." "What, marry one o' Ruan!" the speaker tittered despitefully. "Why not?"

"Look at me well before you take up with some other o' the girls. To-morrow they'll be all after 'ee, an' this'll be my only chance; for my father's no better'n a plain fisherman, an' they're all above me in money an' rank. I be but a Ruan girl, an' my family is naught. But look at me well; there's none stronger nor comelier, nor that'll love thee so dear!" The young man gasped.

Susy leaned back, letting the ash lengthen on her cigarette. How familiar, how hatefully familiar, was that old appeal! Ursula felt the pressing need of someone to flirt with Fred for a few weeks... and here was the very person she needed. Susy shivered at the thought. She had never really meant to go to Ruan.

I was fourteen that Christmas: all Veryan parish knows the date of the famous "Black Winter," when the Johann brig came ashore on Kibberick beach, with a dozen foreigners frozen stiff and staring on her fore-top, and Lawyer Job, up at Ruan, lost all his lambs but two. There was neither rhyme nor wit in the season; and up to St.

On a dark and stormy Christmas morning as far back as the first decade of the century, this languor was neither more nor less apparent than usual inside the small parish church of Ruan Lanihale, although Christmas fell that year on a Sunday, and dancing should, by rights, have ceased at midnight.

Ishmael picked up the letter again, looked from the date the month of January, in 1868 to the signature, "Phoebe Ruan," before he let the letter drop again. Still he said nothing, and after a minute Archelaus went on. "Read the next," he said. The next was but a further plaint, signed with Phoebe's name, in a rather more uneven hand.

Suddenly Ursula opened her gold-meshed bag and snatched a miniature diary from it. "But wait a moment yes, it is next week! I knew it was next week he's coming to Ruan! But, you darling, that makes everything all right.

Susy still wavered; but, after all, if Strefford were really bound for Ruan, why not see him there, agreeably and at leisure, instead of spending a dreary day with him in roaming the wet London streets, or screaming at him through the rattle of a restaurant orchestra?

"I sometimes wonder if you know what your real self is." "Don't I? I do. Why do you say that, Mr. Ruan?" "Because you asked me, and because I can't help saying what I think when I'm asked like that and I think the person's worth it." Blanche had pushed away her cup, and now she folded her arms on the table and bent to him over them. Her face was very earnest.

At first she took the road leading down-hill to Ruan Cove, but turned to the right after a few yards, and ran up the muddy lane that was the one approach to Sheba, her father's farm. The house, a square, two-storeyed building of greystone, roofed with heavy slates, was guarded in front by a small courtlage, the wall of which blocked all view from the lower rooms.