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The Sheik of the Beni Amer, during the few days we remained at Zaga, with true Arab hospitality, always placed at night a strong guard around our tent, to watch the large fires that they kindle in order to keep at a respectful distance these unwelcome night rovers. We had agreed with the Hababs that we would exchange camels at this spot, but none could be obtained for love or money.

Now, leaving the river behind, they entered those savage highlands whence issue the springs of the St. John, a wilderness of rugged mountain-ranges, clad in dense, continuous forests, with no human tenant but this troop of miserable rovers, and here and there some kindred band, as miserable as they. Winter had set in, and already dead Nature was sheeted in funereal white.

Two days later came the final examination for, both the Rovers, and they felt much relieved. Songbird was also "out of the woods," as he expressed it, and asked them if they did not want to join him and Spud in a short row on the river. "That suits me," cried Tom. "I want to get out into the air somewhere. I am done with classrooms forever.

A few minutes later the Rovers came in, and Merry's team trotted onto the field. The scorers recorded the batting order of each team as follows: MERRIES. ROVERS. Mulloy, 3d b. McCann, ss. Hodge, c. Mertez, rf. Merriwell, p. Grifford, cf. Badger, 2d b. Holmes, 1st b. Diamond, ss. O'Day, 3d b. Browning, 1st b. Clover, 2d b. Gallup, cf. Roach, lf. Carson, lf. Bancroft, c. Dunnerwust, rf. Bender, p.

At Hamburg these two bought a fast brig, the Lelia Byrd, to try their fortune on the west coast of South America, and recruited a third partner, a boyish Polish nobleman, Count de Rousillon, who had been an aide to Kosciusko. Three seafaring musketeers, true gentlemen rovers, all under thirty, sailing out to beard the viceroys of Spain!

They have some lessons to make up to-day," answered Dick, and this was true; otherwise the Rovers might not have been so willing to spend their time at the haunted house. No sooner had the Rovers and their two friends driven away from Brill than an automobile dashed up on the side road, and Flockley, Koswell and Larkspur climbed in.

During these marches, ever since quitting Ugunda, a favourite topic at the camp-fires were the Wa-Ruga-Ruga, and their atrocities, and a possible encounter that we might have with these bold rovers of the forest. I verily believe that a sudden onset of half a dozen of Mirambo's people would have set the whole caravan arunning. We reached Marefu the next day, after a short three hours' march.

That's a fairy story." "But your father says the same so I have been told." "The old man is out of his head on account of that fire. When he gets clear-headed again he won't think Dick Rover or any of the Rovers, for the matter of that is his friend." There was another pause. "Where do you propose to go to?"

At Timber Run Jasper Grinder left them, and the Rovers saw no more of him for many days. The home-coming of the Rover boys was a day long to be remembered. There was a regular party given at the country home, at which many of their friends were present.

Nor out of negligence and inadvertency should we sputter out reproachful speech; shooting ill words at rovers, or not regarding who stands in our way. Among all temerities this is one of the most noxious, and therefore very culpable.