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However, having nothing to do and little to think of, and, moreover, being under the unwholesome necessity of keeping all her thoughts to herself, her conjectures grew into such a mountain of discomfort partly selfish, partly generous, out of the hearty gratitude which had been awakened in her towards the younger brother since the adventure with the bear that Miss Bowen set off one fine morning, hoping to gain intelligence of her neighbours by the round-about medium of Emma Thornycroft.

Bison, by the way, is the distinctive name in that region for mountain buffalo, all buffalo belonging to the bison family. We then started on a round-about way to try and get in gunshot of the herd, in which we were successful.

Both rider and horse went "flying light." The rider's dress was thin, and fitted close; he wore a "round-about," and a skull-cap, and tucked his pantaloons into his boot-tops like a race-rider. He carried no arms he carried nothing that was not absolutely necessary, for even the postage on his literary freight was worth five dollars a letter.

You know how romantic girls are, and she's looking forward with immense pleasure to this unusual venture of ours." Drew would have liked to ask whether the captain's wife were going too, but he felt that he might be treading on delicate ground, so he used a round-about method. "I don't suppose there'll be any other women in the company?" he said lightly.

"He did it for the girl of old Cal Warren, the best friend he had topside of ground," Waddles said. "Your dad and Bill Harris had been pals since they was hatched." "But why didn't they let us know?" she insisted. "Instead of tangling it up in this round-about way?" "Bill Harris had a soft spot in his heart for the old Three Bar the same as your daddy had," Waddles said.

Those who came farthest were first on the ground; and by the time twelve-year-old Thomas Jefferson, spatting barefooted up the dusty pike, had reached the church-house with the key, there was a goodly sprinkling of unhitched teams in the grove, the horses champing their feed noisily in the wagon-boxes, and the people gathering in little neighborhood knots to discuss gravely the one topic uppermost in all minds the present outpouring of grace on Paradise Valley and the region round-about.

While, in almost every act of contemplation, the modern thinker, as we have just done, projects himself into the infinite, to return only in the end if he is happy enough in succeeding therein to a limited proposition, the ancients, without following a long, round-about path, found their exclusive happiness within the lovely confines of this world.

"How about them booms?" asked the Rough Red. "I did own them," explained Orde, "and I had a right to take them up when I had finished with them." This hint was enough. The men did not cease from a labour that tickled them mightily, but they adopted a code of signals. Strangers were not uncommon. Spectators came out often from the little towns and from the farms round-about.

He seems to have examined the historical incidents with which he had met, with all that 'large, sound, round-about sense, as Mr. Locke calls it, which was necessary to combine with it all its causes and consequences, and render it practically useful to the purposes of life.

The old doctor, who always fears for my health at this season, stopped by nearly every day to repeat how he had warned me, and always walked back to his gig in a round-about way, which required him to pass a favorite tree; and once he was so indignant to find several other persons gathered there, and mournfully enjoying the last of the fruit as they predicted I would never get well, that he came back to the house with two pears in each duster pocket and one in his mouth and told Jack it was an outrage.