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Apart from the sledge dogs, we had a bitch called Lassie for breeding purposes, but she was a rotten dog and killed her puppies, so we might as well have left her in New Zealand, where we got her. The dogs came through the winter very well, and during blizzards they merely coiled themselves up into round balls of fur and let the snow drift over them.

If in late autumn and mid-winter a small Greek army, without maps or guides, could make its way for a thousand miles through Asia, and encounter no foe over whom it could not easily triumph, it was clear that the fabric of Persian power was rotten, and would collapse on the first serious attack. Still, it will not be necessary to trace in detail the steps of the retreat.

"War is rotten when you see your best pal curl up at your feet," comments another. "One of our chaps got hit in the face with a shrapnel bullet," Private Sidney Smith, First Warwickshires, relates. "'Hurt, Bill? I said to him. 'Good luck to the old regiment, says he. Then he rolled over on his back."

Ah, but, cried his comrades, thou hast a leg of God; as if, continued Friar John, some divine virtue could lie hid in a stinking ulcerated rotten shank. Pray, said Pantagruel, when you are for telling us some such nauseous tale, be so kind as not to forget to provide a basin, Friar John; I'll assure you, I had much ado to forbear bringing up my breakfast. Fie!

'Such water, so rotten. The water used by the visitors had been brought from Auckland. The natives do not trouble water much, I don't think they ever drink it, and they certainly don't look as if they ever washed.

Him that used to blow 'bout th' wonderful jobs he'd got th' pick of when he was 'time-ex. All he got was 'reeve' of some little shi-poke burg down south. Hooshomin its real name, but they mostly call it Hootch thereabouts. A rotten little dump of 'bout fifty inhabitants. They're drunk half th' time an' wear each other's clothes. Ugh! filthy beggars! . . . He's back on th' Force again.

Thank God who has been better to me than I deserve thank God! I'm still young enough to make good the money I've lost. The lies I can't undo, but I can tell the truth. I'm going to confess everything!" "Oh, LeGrand!" cried Minnie, and she held out her hands to him. "Not not everything!" "Yes, the whole rotten business. That's the only way to begin over again, and begin clean.

It cleared his head and gave him new life. The stranger ordered another. "Can't talk to a man when he's thirsty," he observed. The room grew hazily warm, and Wilson felt himself glowing with new life and fresh courage. "My name is Stubbs Jonathan Stubbs," explained the stranger, as Wilson put down the empty mug. "Follered the sea for forty year. Rotten hard work rotten bad grub rotten poor pay.

Every man of you has got to be here on the spot when the bell strikes, and up to the mark in his work. You haven't been, and you know it. You've turned out rotten iron, stuff that any honest shop would be ashamed of. Now there's to be a new leaf turned over here. You're to be paid on the nail; but you've got to earn your money. I won't have any idlers or shirkers or rebels about me.

It's three weeks since he got me into print at all, and then the brightest thing he could think up was that my favourite breakfast-fruit was an apple. Well, I ask you!" "Rotten!" said Archie. "I did think that for once my guardian angel had gone back to work and was doing something for me. 'Stage Star and Midnight Marauder," murmured Miss Silverton, wistfully. "'Footlight Favourite Foils Felon."