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"I suppose you think she can ice thirty cakes in half an hour," Sarah flung back. "And set the table and go home and get dressed, too." Humming happily, Rosemary tied on her white apron and went about her mixing. As she had said, there were ten different icings to be made, the same flavor being allowed only three cakes. Some were loaves and some were layers and one or two had been scorched.

"I shall leave Norman to do the arguing," said Rosemary. "I'LL deal with Norman. I can manage HIM. I would never have asked you to give me back my promise never but I had to tell Norman why I couldn't marry him and he said HE would ask you. I couldn't prevent him. You need not suppose you are the only person in the world who possesses self-respect.

"I'm going to put them on and wear my white linen dress. Don't you want to dress up to-night, Shirley? Bring me your shoes, if they are dirty, and I'll do them for you." "All right, I'll get them," decided Shirley, sliding off the bed backward. "Could I put on my blue sash, Rosemary?" "Not with that dress," said Rosemary firmly.

"Oh, would he?" cried Rosemary, a bright colour flaming on her little soft cheeks. "Yes; and what's more," went on her hostess, warming to the subject, "you'd know 'im, the hinstant you clapped heyes on his fice, by 'eaven-sent hinstinct." "What's 'eaven-sent hinstinct?" demanded Rosemary. "The feelin' you 'ave in your 'eart for a father, wot's planted there by Providence," explained Jane.

"It's all nonsense," she tried to say, but her stiff lips would not move. Rosemary left the table and went back to her corner. "What did you see?" queried Edith. "Did you have any better luck than I did?" "No," Rosemary answered, with a degree more of self-possession than she had shown previously. "There was nothing there but a black cloud."

They neither saw nor heard me; I leaned against the doorway to see the pretty picture at my ease. The children, Sam and Benny, sat all hunched up, scowling over their books. Close to a fluted pillar, Dorothy Varick reclined in a chair, embroidering her initials on a pair of white silk hose, using the Rosemary stitch.

Suddenly a white cliff loomed up on the beach before them and from its depths came a tremendous knocking, as though some one were endeavouring to escape from a hopeless fastness of stone. They paused, but the knocking continued, growing louder and louder. Then a hoarse voice called "Rosemary! Rosemary!" The girl came to herself with a start, rubbing her eyes.

And she had not even a postage stamp! But swiftly her anger died away in joy a joy that surged and thrilled through her as some white, heavenly fire that warmed her inmost soul. Not alone, but cared for sheltered, protected, loved. "Oh," breathed Rosemary, with her eyes shining; "Father, dear father my father, taking care of me!"

I have seven sons who, you see, are seven giants, Mase, Nardo, Cola, Micco, Petrullo, Ascaddeo, and Ceccone, who have more virtues that rosemary, especially Mase, for every time he lays his ear to the ground he hears all that is passing within thirty miles round. Nardo, every time he washes his hands, makes a great sea of soapsuds.

Jane crossed the hall with firm, though noiseless, step; stood a moment on the threshold relegating herself completely to the background; then opened the door; and Nurse Rosemary re-entered the library. Garth was standing at the open window, when Nurse Rosemary re-entered the library; and he did not turn, immediately.