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Sir Oliver, unable longer to endure the present state of things, had ridden over to lay before Rosamund that proof with which he had taken care to furnish himself. He could do so at last without any fear of hurting Lionel. His journey, however, had been entirely fruitless.

Shall I go back to the Brindled Cow and Rosamund? Yes, I will! And with that he got up, put on his cap, and took two or three steps in the direction of Honeymead. 'But what an ass I should be, he said, stopping short, 'to turn back at the very gates of London! Besides, it is too late to get back to Honeymead to-night. I won't return before to-morrow. Something may happen after all.

They were in the meadow beside the river. The donkey was feeding quietly near at hand; Raymond had fallen on his knees in the grass, and Rosamund was standing before him. 'Oh, Rosamund, he said, 'you are my kingdom! Will you take me back? 'You have been a very naughty boy, she replied, 'and you deserve a scolding. But come home first and have some milk, for you must be hungry.

When Rosamund went out, feeling both flushed and tired, she saw Irene waiting for her. She wore her favorite red dress, which was exceedingly shabby and by no means becoming. Rosamund felt just like St. George when he was about to slay the dragon. Irene at the present moment was the dragon. That dreadful part of her which was such a nuisance to her neighbors must be kept under by a firm hand.

"I do wish Frost was somewhere near," she thought to herself. "I won't go and see those Leaves; nothing will induce me to. Horrid, affected creatures! And then to see Carter's frightened eyes looking at me! Haven't I seen them in my dreams until I am sick of the sight of them? And Rosamund wants me to go and see them again!

But more boatloads came from the shore, and the Saracens were but few, worn also with storm and sickness, so at last Rosamund, peeping beneath her hand, saw that the poop was gained. Here and there a man fought on until he fell beneath the cruel knives in the midst of the circle of the dead, among them the warrior-prince Hassan.

They were talking now the two girls, discussing their strange discovery. When he saw Rosamund this evening of course he would see her, as she had promised her surprise would already have lost its poignancy; he had but to tell the story of his disaster, of his struggles, and then to announce the coming moment of rescue.

Dion reddened. There was sudden heat not only in his cheeks but also about his heart. "I didn't know you were capable of talking such pernicious rubbish!" he said. "Let's prove whether it's rubbish or not. Beattie will send Rosamund another dinner invitation to-morrow, and then we'll wait and see what happens to Robin's health." "Guy, I don't want to have a quarrel with you." "A quarrel?

"Indeed, I didn't know it would have that effect," said Rosamund, trying to suppress the sarcastic note in her voice. "Don't speak in that tone, please. I think we really are quite nice girls I mean we never quarrel, and we are always chummy and affectionate, and we try to do our best.

I called at your place this evening, and was amazed at the sight of the address which your evil-eyed woman showed me looking as if she feared I should steal it. I wanted particularly to see you. How long are you going to stay down yonder? Rosamund and I start for our honeymoon on Thursday next, and we shall probably be away for a couple of months, in Tyrol. Does this astonish you?