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If the cobble drives on shore, the current will take a boat as light as she is over the Bogie Rock and into the surf yonder. There are doubtless three or four honest men in her, quite as weel worth the saving as those stranger merchant bodies that will be in the packet." So Crawford and Rory hastened to the point they had decided on, and just as they reached it the boat became unmanageable.

For this I collected from all parts of the house a mat from one room, a toilet-set from another, and so on till I had quite an elaborately furnished chamber ready for my one-time lover. They returned at dusk, Rory again seated on Harold's shoulder, and two of the little boys clinging around him.

"You bate hur, an' A'll bate you!" interposed Rory, turning to bay on the most salient of the three or four pleas which had power to rouse the Old Adam in his unassertive nature. "Well, A 'm sure A was bate ay, an' soun'ly bate when A was lek hur; an' iv A did n't desarve it then, A desarved it other times, when A did n't git it."

The style was directly antithetical to that curt, blunt, and simple pronouncement aimed at by innocents who deceive no one by denouncing Socialism, Trades-Unionism, &c., over the signature of "A Working Man." But the Essay. I am debarred from transcribing it, not only because of its length, but because "Rory, you must let me take a copy of this."

It was something to see the fellows lay out to it then doubled-banked, two men to each wide seat and each man with a long oar, which he had picked out and trimmed to suit himself, and every man in his own particular place as if in a racing crew. And now every man was bending to it. A big fellow, named Rory McKinnon, was setting the stroke.

Being, as a rule, quite innocent of all desire to injure any member of the human race, they cannot realise that it is possible that they in their turn can frighten anybody. "I remember on this particular occasion that I was interested in my book, and that when Rory had barked round me I had refused to play with her.

Then I was going on to cite instances, within my own knowledge and memory, of permanent lakes formed in Northern Victoria, and a climate altered for the better, by mere settlement of a soil antecedently dessicated and disintegrated by idle exposure to the seasons. But I had brought round the subject of exploration; and again Rory amazed me by the extent and accuracy of his information.

"My word, Rory, if a man could only disclose that to the world, he would command attention. However, one theory is that it was on the lost continent of Atlantis; another, that it was in the Valley of Cashmere. There are many other localities suggested, but I think the one which meets most favour is the Isle of Kishm, in the Straits of Ormuz, at the entrance to the Persian Gulf."

Those who should set an example to others resorted to the Friars for confession, and were encouraged in their boldness; Nangle, who had been intruded into the See of Clonfert by the king, was driven out by Roland de Burgo, the papal bishop, and dared not show himself in his diocese; never was there so much "Rome- running" in the country, four or five bishops together with several priors and abbots having been appointed lately by the Pope, while a friar and a bishop, probably Rory O'Donnell of Derry, who had been arrested, were tried and acquitted at Trim, because the people in authority were hypocrites and worshippers of idols.

Come in along with us, Farmer Hearty come in. Whom have we here? What now? Come down, lads; here's more fun. Rory. What's here, Talbot? Talb. An honest farmer, and a good natured landlord, who would come here along with me to speak Farm. Rory. 'Faith, now, the more short winded a story, the better, to my fancy. Burs. Wheeler, what's the matter, man? you look as if your under jaw was broke. Farm.